Page 14 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
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         Aircraft Hangars                                                      These structures play a crucial role

                                                                               in ensuring the safety of not just the
                                                                               aircraft, but all the tools, equipment,
                    and               Hangar                                   dismantled landing gears and engines,
                                                                               wheels, avionics system, and the entire
                                                                               structural integrity.- all of which are
                                               Doors                           hugely expensive. Within a hangar,
                                                                               technicians can conduct their main-
                                                                               tenance work better, in a controlled
                                                                               environment. Protection from elements
                                                                               like corrosion, rust especially on metal
                  ircraft hangars are not like   heavy-duty doors and sophisticated   components, and other damaging ef-
                  any other large storage   locking systems. A critical infrastructure   fects of the extreme external environ-
                  or parking space covered   in the aviation industry, serving as a   ment, further enhances the longevity
                  with an overhead roof and   protective shelter for aircraft when on   and performance of all types of aircraft.
         Asecured at the entrance with      the ground and pulled out of service.   Hangars with doors and closing systems

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