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        Image Courtesy :                                      with Bottom Rolling Hangar Doors,   Image Courtesy : Alpgate

                                                                               and can be operated manually as also
                                                                               motorized. And the range of doors ex-
                                                                               tend from Hydraulic Swinging Doors to
                                                                               Bi-Fold Hangar Doors. Each type has its
                                                                               pros and cons and must be evaluated to
         determined by the regulatory mandates   Hangar doors of all sizes of hangars,   suit individual needs.
         and compliances in place. Airlines need   especially for larger aircraft must meet   The horizontal rolling door design is a
         to adhere to guidelines about safety,   specific requirements laid down by   single or set of vertical leaves moving
         storage, and maintenance standards.   regulatory bodies.              horizontally on steel tracks.
         Compliance is essential to be able to   There are several types of door   A rolling door with its many sections
         obtain the necessary certifications for   designs to suit the requirements of us-  can be adequately sealed to avoid
         flight operations.                 ers – Hangar doors may be operated as   environmental impacts caused by air
          Aircraft and Helicopter hangars are   manufactured – such as ground-guided   leakage, and be made to offer adequate
         designed and planned with safety in   doors, overhead sliding doors, sliding   ventilation and energy efficiency.
         mind, especially during emergency and   folding doors, telescopic sliding doors,
         mission-critical situations.       as well as round sliding doors.    Seal ability for a fuselage aperture – an
          Hangar designs too will need to evolve   The doors need to pass the test   important factor
         as aerospace technology advances. The   Requirements for the wind loads,   A fuselage aperture is a circular
         function and design of Hangars must   tightness, no radar reflection, and light   shaped hole in the centre of the hangar
         be customized to the type and size of   permeability combined with high ther-  door and it allows the door to close
         operations of any airline company – and   mal insulation.             around the body of an airplane. With
         this holds true for commercial, business                              various sizes of wide¬¬¬¬ bodied
         aircraft, and helicopters.         Some Key Features Of Aircraft Hangar   aircraft to accommodate, seal abil-
                                            Doors                              ity is to install a foam bumper around
         Of Hangar Doors                     Aircraft hangars typically are designed   the circumference of the steel frame
                                                                               aperture. The bumpers can be made to
                                                                               carry an electric fail-safe sensor so that
                                                                               the aperture will reverse if the bumper
                                                                               detects contact with an obstacle.
                                                                               Safety Feature: A Safety Edge feature is
                                                                               added to aircraft hangar doors, so that
                                                                               a moving hangar door comes to an im-
                                                                               mediate halt, the moment it encounters
                                                                               an obstruction. Additionally, install-
                                                                               ing red light or siren sending out loud
                                                                               alarms, can be activated, as and when
        Image Courtesy : Diamond Doors                                         an obstruction.
                                                                               the Safety Edge is actuated indicating

                                                                               Unidirectional Door Configuration
                                                                                The unidirectional door configuration
                                                                               requires a minimum of a one-leaf door

     16   15 Aug, 2024                                                         or a series of interconnected leaves. All
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