Page 19 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
P. 19


                                                                                taining the part numbers of the existing
                                                                                four-place club grouping is crucial. This
                                                                                verification ensures that the retained
                                                                                seats have been dynamically tested with
                                                                                the new narrow seating. Additionally, it
                                                                                is necessary to determine whether the
                                                                                aircraft has a Flight Data Recorder (FDR).
                                                                                The FDR must comply with additional
                                                                                passenger requirements. Furthermore,
                                                                                Technical Sales Manager needs to un-
                                                                                derstand the installed oxygen bottle’s
                                                                                capacity and its location. This could be
                                                                                in the existing credenza, outboard, or
                                                                                below the entertainment cabinet/for-
                                                                                ward closet. Typically, new switching is
                                                                                required, so the existing cabin man-
                                                                                agement system must be assessed for
                                                                                modification or upgrade.
                                                                                 Operators should consider their
          customer’s needs, we tailor the design   enabling us to innovate and achieve   scheduled maintenance events when
          to meet their operational requirements.   amazing outcomes.”          planning large-scale projects such as
          We provide the additional seating   Several elements must be considered   floor plan reconfigurations. Proper plan-
          capacity that is crucial for charter com-  during the planning of a 10-passenger   ning ensures coordination and mini-
          panies. This process ignites creativity,   configuration change. For instance, ob-  mizes disruptions.

             AT THE

             HEART OF


             We care about the aeropsace engine
             industry and don’t believe in
             ‘one size fits all’ solutions

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