Page 17 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
P. 17


          leaves are designed to fit into a pocket   Independent Configuration Door   durable hangar door must be in place
          built on one side of the opening. These   An Independent configuration can   to perform under such demanding situ-
          doors can be manually moved or may   work with a minimum of one door leaf   ations. Sometimes the efficiency of such
          be motorized. The leaves one or several   and can go up to multiple leaves. Here   a robust system means saving lives!
          that are interconnected, all slide into   each leaf can be moved separately and
          one pocket, moving one-way.        is equipped with individual motor and   Military Aircraft Bunker Shelter Doors
          Bi-Parting Door Configuration      control panel. Each of the leaves can   Military warplane bunker shelter doors
           A Bi-Parting hangar door as the name   be manual or motorized, and no pocket   are designed in compliance with NATO
          suggests must have a minimum of 2   space required to the left or right of the   standards. Bunker or shelter automatic
          leaves, and requires a pocket on either   opening.                    doors for military aircraft operate auto-
          side. The leaves all open from the cen-                               matically, electro-mechanically (motor-
          tre either manually or by being motor-  Sliding Folding Door for a Helicopter   reducer) and by hydraulic means. The
          ized.                              Hangar (Straubing Hospital, Germany)  military grade hangar doors are made
                                              The importance of hangar doors,   of heavy bomb resistant reinforced
          Floating Configuration Door        their functioning and maintenance   concrete and steel. The doors undergo
           A Floating configuration needs a   has been amply highlighted as being   burst pressure tests, achieving certifica-
          minimum of two leaves, and the move-  high-performing sliding folding door   tion that have global acceptance.
          ment of leaves must be motorized, with   for the helicopter hangar of Straubing
          no pocket space required, either to the   Hospital. The helicopter hangar located   Reference Credit:
          left or right. The floating configuration   on the roof of the hospital building
          consists of interconnected door leaves,   housing a rescue helicopter was alerted
          that can be moved from the first or the   and responded over 2,000 times!  This
          last leaf.                         means that a highly efficient, and

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