Page 13 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
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                                                                   Lufthansa Technik to

                                                                   provide Component

                                                                   Support to Austrian

                                                                   Airlines’ 787

                                                                   Lufthansa Technik will deliver Total
                                                                   Component Support for up to eleven
                                                                   long-haul Boeing 787 aircraft to Austrian
          AJW Group signs Power-                                   Airlines through to the end of 2032.

          by-the-Hour Contract                                     Lcomponent support for Austrian Airlines’ Boeing
                                                                      ufthansa Technik AG is set to provide long-term
          with Ascend Airways                                      787 fleet, similar to its arrangement with Lufthansa
                                                                   Airlines. Under this new contract, Lufthansa Technik
                                                                   will deliver Total Component Support (TCS) for up to
          The contract includes component supply and world-        eleven long-haul Boeing 787 aircraft to Austrian Air-
          class Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO)            lines through to the end of 2032.
          services through AJW Technique.                            The TCS includes an open-loop component supply
                                                                   from Lufthansa Technik’s global parts pool. which
             JW Group has signed the comprehensive Power-by-the-   means even if the Austrian reports a defective compo-
          AHour (PBH) contract with Ascend Airways to provide tai-  nent in one of its 787s, the airline can access an imme-
          lored support for Ascend Airways’ Boeing 737MAX and 737NG   diate, ready-to-use replacement part from Lufthansa
          fleets. The contract includes component supply and world-class   Technik’s worldwide inventory.
          Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) services through AJW   Stephan Koenen, Senior Director of Engineering &
          Technique in Montreal. Over the life of the contract, AJW Group   Commercial at Austrian Airlines, said, “We have had
          anticipates expanding its global network of repair agreements   good experience with TCS for our A320 and 777 fleets
          by an additional two to five aircraft annually.          for many years, Expanding the range of services to
           Scott Symington, Chief Commercial Officer at AJW Group, said,   include the Boeing 787 was therefore a logical conse-
          “We are delighted to embark on this journey with Ascend Air-  quence. With this contract, we are creating a high level
          ways. This partnership underscores our dedication to providing   of supply security for this aircraft type with an opti-
          top-tier support that drives operational reliability and efficien-  mized cost position.”
          cy. By offering solutions that optimize their fleet’s performance   Since June, Lufthansa Technik has commenced the
          and ensure passenger safety, we are committed to supporting   provision of services under the newly established
          Ascend Airways’ growth and operational success.”         contract for Austrian Airlines’ Boeing 787 fleet. The
           Ascend Airways, a member of the Avia Solutions Group, was   company is gradually developing a dedicated inven-
          founded in early 2024 to offer locally-based aircraft and crew   tory of components and materials for the Dreamliners
          services. The airline aims to support UK-based airlines, tour   based in Vienna.
          operators, charter brokers, government departments, and non-  Kai-Stefan Röpke, Vice President of Corporate, Sales
          governmental organizations (NGOs).                       Europe, Middle East, and Africa at Lufthansa Technik,
           Alastair Willson, Chief Executive Officer, Ascend Airways   Said, “Due to its large quantities and global deploy-
          said, “Our focus is on providing reliable and flexible capacity   ment, the Boeing 787 is an aircraft type where our To-
          solutions to our customers. Our partnership with AJW gives   tal Component Support can fully play to its strengths,
          us worldwide support for both our B737NG and MAX fleets   Thanks to our large pool of spare parts, we are able
          ensuring the highest levels of reliability, wherever our aircraft   to provide Austrian with the right Dreamliner spare
          are based.”                                              part immediately. And with our 15 parts warehouses
           AJW Group is a world-leading independent aircraft parts,   around the world, the required component is often just
          repair, and supply chain solutions provider, transforming ef-  a stone’s throw away. This gives Austrian Airlines the
          ficiency in commercial, business, and defense aviation.  best possible component supply for its new Dream-
           AJW Group’s Power-by-the-Hour (PBH) program is a compre-  liner fleet.”
          hensive support service designed to provide airlines with flex-  The Total Component Support (TCS) program aims
          ible and predictable maintenance solutions. Under this model,   to meet the operational requirements of Austrian Air-
          airlines pay a fixed hourly rate for aircraft usage, which covers   lines’ Boeing 787-9 fleet. Initially, the fleet will consist
          a range of services including components supply, maintenance,   of seven used aircraft, with plans to integrate an ad-
          repair, and overhaul (MRO).                              ditional four factory-new aircraft as they are delivered.
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