Page 11 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
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          StandardAero Partners                                                 to add Avianca to the growing list of

          with Avianca for LEAP-1A                                              leading LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B opera-
                                                                                tors who have chosen StandardAero
          Maintenance                                                           as their engine support partner. We
                                                                                truly appreciate the confidence
                                                                                shown by Avianca in our San Antonio-
                                                                                based LEAP team, and look forward to
         StandardAero Expands LEAP-1A Support to Avianca with Compre-           meeting the service expectations of
         hensive MRO support for Airbus A320neo’s LEAP-1A engines, includ-      Avianca and its customers for many
         ing repair, testing, and asset management through its Total Engine     years to come.”
         portfolio.                                                              Additionally, StandardAero will pro-
                                                                                vide a comprehensive range of compo-
            tandardAero has entered into a   deliver a full spectrum of capabilities.   nent repairs for the LEAP family through
          Snon-exclusive agreement with      These services include maintenance,   its Component Repair Services (CRS)
          Avianca, a passenger airline serving   repair, and overhaul (MRO) support,   division. This support will be facilitated
          Colombia, Ecuador, and Central America,   workshopping and forecasting, engine   via a network of CRS locations and the
          to deliver maintenance support to CFM   testing, program management, compo-  Repair Development Center of Excel-
          International LEAP-1A turbofan engines   nent repair development, lease engine   lence. To date, StandardAero’s CRS team
          equipped in its Airbus A320neo fleet.   support, and module swaps. All services   has successfully industrialized over 230
          Under this agreement, Avianca will have   will be integrated within StandardA-  component repairs for both LEAP-1A
          access to the comprehensive LEAP-1A   ero’s Total Engine Asset Management   and LEAP-1B engines.
          service offerings provided by Standar-  portfolio, ensuring a seamless opera-  This partnership expands the list of
          dAero.                             tional experience.                 operators utilizing StandardAero’s
           StandardAero, which became the first   Will Pitcher, Senior Vice President   newly established LEAP-1A and LEAP-
          North American non-airline CFM Brand-  of Sales, Marketing, and Customers,   1B maintenance, repair, and overhaul
          ed Service Agreement (CBSA) holder for   StandardAero’s Airlines & Fleets divi-  (MRO) services at its San Antonio facil-
          the LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B engines, will   sion, said, “StandardAero is delighted   ity in Texas.

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