Page 10 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
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                                                 oeing has entered into
         Boeing                               Ba strategic partner-
                                              ship with AI Engineering
                                              Services Limited (AIESL)
         and AIESL                            to enhance local main-             Sharad Agarwal, CEO, AI Engineering
                                              tenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO)
                                              capabilities in India.            Services Limited, said “We are proud
         Partnered to                         services of critical components for the   to partner with Boeing, and for suc-
                                               The partnership will provide overhaul
                                                                                cessfully completing the landing gear
                                              fleet of P-81 Poseidon Long Range Mar-  overhaul of the P-8I aircraft, a first in
         boost MRO                            itime Reconnaissance Anti-Submarine   India. It is a significant step towards
                                                                                India’s aspirations to become the
                                              Warfare (LRMR ASW) aircraft. As part of
                                              the partnership, the first landing gear   regional hub for MRO services.”
         capabilities                         overhaul of a P-8I aircraft was recently   broader Boeing India Repair Develop-
                                                                                 This partnership is part of Boeing’s
                                              completed at INSRajali.
                                               Salil Gupte, President, Boeing India
         for the                              and South Asia, said, “Through this   ment and Sustainment (BIRDS) hub
                                                                                program, which aims to establish a
                                              partnership with AIESL, we continue to
                                                                                strong MRO ecosystem for both de-
         Indian Navy                          make strategic investments in India’s   fense and commercial aircraft in India.
                                                                                 Boeing India, said, “The BIRDS hub is
                                              MRO capabilities that enhance mission
                                                                                a local network of suppliers working to
                                              readiness rates for the Indian Navy.
         P-81 fleet                           Developing local MRO capabilities is   build a robust MRO ecosystem for de-
                                                                                fence and commercial aircraft, which
                                              critical for reducing repair turnaround
                                              time and aircraft downtime, thereby   aims to establish industry benchmarks
                                              improving the mission readiness of   in India for maintenance and repair,
         AIESL partnership is the latest      customer fleets.”                 platform availability, customer satis-
         development under the Boeing          The Boeing P-8I is a vital asset for   faction, and rapid turnaround time.”
         India Repair Development             the Indian Navy, serving as a multi-  Additionally, the hub places a strong
         and Sustainment (BIRDS) hub          role Long Range Maritime Reconnais-  emphasis on training programs to
         program.                             sance Anti-Submarine Warfare (LRMR   develop skilled manpower, supporting
                                              ASW) aircraft that plays a critical role   the growth of sub-tier suppliers and
                                              in maritime surveillance operations   micro, small, and medium enterprises
                                              across the Indian Ocean.          (MSMEs) to build world-class MRO.

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