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                                                                                  Through this partnership
                                                                                  with AIESL, we continue
                                                                                  to make strategic invest-
                                                                                  ments in India’s MRO
                                                                                  capabilities that enhance
                                                                                  mission readiness rates
                                                                                  for the Indian Navy.
                                                                                  Developing local MRO ca-
                                                                                  pabilities is critical for re-
                                                                                  ducing repair turnaround
                                                                                  time and aircraft down-
                                                                                  time, thereby improving
                                                                                  the mission readiness
         cilities within India, with other airlines   Airbus the largest aeronautics and   of customer fleets.
         frequently relying on international   space company, has been a valued part-
         MRO providers. Air India, in particular,   ner of India for more than five decades.
         has played a crucial role in driving the   Airbus has helped in building India’s   Salil Gupte
         growth of the Indian MRO sector.   civil aviation history, as the A320 Family   President,
          Tata Group-owned Air India has part-  has made air travel affordable across   Boeing India and
         nered with Maharashtra Airport Devel-  the Indian marketplace. Yet, the A350-  South Asia
         opment Company to establish South   900 to the indigo will provide new
         Asia’s largest Flying Training Organisa-  international market opportunities for
         tion in Amravati, Maharashtra. the new   Indian airlines and, in turn, will further
         FTO in Amravati will complement Air   the development and expansion of the   potential to emerge as a global MRO
         India’s efforts to enhance India’s avia-  Indian aviation sector.     hub.
         tion ecosystem.                     IndiGo, the largest airline in India, has   The Indian aviation sector is set for
          The Directorate General of Civil Avia-  recently partnered with RECARO Aircraft   significant growth in MRO appetite,
         tion (DGCA) lists 150 approved Indian   Seating to fit its new A321neo business   driven by growth in domestic traffic and
         Air Maintenance Organizations, with the   cabins with the RECARO R5 seats. this   fleet size. During the period of the 11th
         three largest Indian organizations—Air   move marks a milestone as it introduces   Five Year Plan period, passenger traffic
         India Engineering Services Limited   business class seating on IndiGo’s   is expected to increase by about 19%
         (AIESL), Air Works, and GMR Aero Tech-  A321neo fleet.                and cargo traffic by about 11%.
         nic—accounting for 90% of the MRO                                      The prevailing trends in the aviation
         revenue in the country.            Future Outlook: Demand and Expansion  industry make it evident that India is
          whereas the largest individual Asian   Market forecasts indicate that the   emerging as the fastest-growing market
         airline, IndiGo has become one of the   Indian civil aviation sector will require   in the post-COVID world. With these
         fastest growing low-cost carriers in the   up to 2,200 new aircraft over the next   strategic moves, India is set to leverage
         world and the largest airline in India   two decades. This anticipated demand   its growing aviation market and emerg-
         with its recent 30 Airbus A350 wide-  underscores the need for expanded   ing MRO capabilities to establish itself
         body jets order.                   MRO capabilities and reinforces India’s   as a key global player.

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