Page 4 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
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                                            and South Asia, said, “Through this
                                            partnership with AIESL, we continue to
                                            make strategic investments in India’s
                                            MRO capabilities that enhance mission
                                            readiness rates for the Indian Navy.
                                            Developing local MRO capabilities is
                                            critical for reducing repair turnaround
                                            time and aircraft downtime, thereby
         We are committed to                improving the mission readiness of
                                            customer fleets.”
         ensuring that our MRO               This partnership is part of Boeing’s
         sector aligns with global          broader Boeing India Repair Develop-
         practices, making India a          ment and Sustainment (BIRDS) hub pro-  A landmark GST reform by The gov-
                                            gram, which aims to establish a strong
         preferred destination for          MRO ecosystem for both defense and   ernment of India has unified rates for
         international airlines.            commercial aircraft in India       aircraft parts, reducing them to a uni-
                                                                               form 5% IGST. This significant change,
                                            The introduction of new Policies and   effective from July 15, 2024, simplifies
                                            GST Reform                         taxation and is expected to drive the
                                             some of the new policies by the gov-  MRO industry towards its $4 billion
                                            ernment of India over the years have   target by 2031. The Indian MRO market
                                            eased the conduct of MRO business and   is estimated at $800 million and is
                                            are expected to reduce the overall cost   growing at about 8% annually against a
                                            of MRO services by 10 to 20% over the   4% world average.
                                            next few years.                     This historic decision, effective from

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