Page 12 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
P. 12


                                                      This STC program will cover the TBM 700A, 700B, and 700C2 models, upgrading their
                                                      performance to align with that of the TBM 850 model.

                                                      lackhawk Aerospace announces   hawk Aerospace stated, “The new
         Blackhawk                                 Bthe launch of the PT6A-66D    XP66D engine upgrade exemplifies
                                                                                  The Blackhawk Group’s commitment
                                                   Supplemental Type Certificate (STC)
                                                   program for Daher TBM Model 700   to pushing the boundaries of innova-
         Partnered with                            series aircraft. In collaboration with   tion in the aviation industry, By part-
                                                                                  nering with our sister company, AVEX,
                                                   AVEX Aviation, a premier TBM sales
         Avex Aviation for                         and performance center, Blackhawk,   we can combine their vast expertise
                                                   a provider of aftermarket engine
                                                                                  in all things TBM with Blackhawk’s
                                                   upgrades, is developing an up-  extensive knowledge of STC devel-
         TBM-700 Engine                            grade that will deliver substantial   opment to offer an unparalleled
                                                                                  upgrade for our mutual customers.”
                                                   improvements in horsepower and
         Upgrade                                   overall performance.           cal horsepower from 700 HP to
                                                                                   This upgrade increases mechani-
                                                    This STC program will cover
                                                   the TBM 700A, 700B, and 700C2   850 HP, resulting in a significant
         The Blackhawk’s XP66D Engine+             models, upgrading their perfor-  enhancement in both climb and
                                                                                  cruise performance for the TBM
                                                   mance to align with that of the TBM
         Upgrade replaces the existing PT6A-       850 model. The engine upgrade   700 series. Specifically, the climb
         64 engine with a factory-new Pratt &      program, known as Blackhawk’s   time from sea level to 31,000 feet
         Whitney PT6A-66D engine.                  XP66D Engine+ Upgrade, replaces   is reduced from 16 minutes and
                                                   the existing PT6A-64 engine with a   39 seconds to 14 minutes, while
                                                   factory-new Pratt & Whitney PT6A-  maximum cruise speeds at various
                                                   66D engine.                    altitudes are elevated to between
                                                    Edwin Black, President of Black-  287 KTAS and 307 KTAS.

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