Page 10 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 10


         Boeing and CAE collaborate for                                        ers operating Boeing P-8 aircraft,” said

         P-8 Training Solutions in Canada,                                     Torbjorn Sjogren, vice president and
                                                                               general manager Government Services,
                                                                               Boeing. “Working together, Boeing and
         Germany, and Norway                                                   CAE can deliver outcome-based pilot
                                                                               and aircrew training, maintenance
         The deal will leverage the complementary capabilities of Boeing       ground school, in-service support,
                                                                               and instructor training at the point of
         and CAE to offer superior management, technical, and cost-            need,” he further added.
         effective training solutions for the P-8A Poseidon program.            This collaboration builds on a long-
                                                                               standing relationship spanning com-
                                                                               mercial and defense portfolios across
                                                                               the globe. For over a decade, CAE has
                                                                               delivered operational flight trainers on
                                                                               the Boeing P-8A platform, supporting
                                                                               the U.S. Navy, Royal New Zealand Air
                                                                               Force, and United Kingdom Royal Air
                                                                                 “Mission success depends on
                                                                               advanced preparation and rapid
                                                                               response,” said Daniel Gelston, CAE
                                                                               Defense & Security president. “As a
                                                                               premier provider in flight training and
                                                                               simulation, we leverage collaboration
                                                                               to create an agile network of proven
                                                                               training, simulation and in-service sup-
                                                                               port solutions to deliver critical readi-
                                                                               ness for defense forces worldwide,” he
                                                                               further added.
                                                                                Boeing, a leading global aerospace
                                                                               company, develops, manufactures,
                                                                               and services commercial airplanes,
                                                                               defense products, and space systems
                                                                               for customers in over 150 countries.
                                                                               The company leverages the talents of
                                                                               a global supplier base to advance eco-
                                                                               nomic opportunity, sustainability, and
          As a member of Team Poseidon in Boeing’s Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft offering, CAE is part of a   community impact. Boeing’s diverse
          Canadian P-8 industrial footprint.
                                                                               team is committed to innovating for
            oeing and CAE have announced    defense customers operating Boeing   the future, leading with sustainability,
         Bteaming agreements to expand      P-8 aircraft.                      and cultivating a culture based on the
         their multi-mission platform collabora-  As a member of Team Poseidon in   company’s core values of safety, qual-
         tion in Canada, Germany, and Norway.   Boeing’s Canadian Multi-Mission Air-  ity, and integrity.
         These agreements will leverage the   craft offering, CAE is part of a Canadian   CAE, on the other hand, equips peo-
         complementary capabilities of both   P-8 industrial footprint that builds on   ple in critical roles with expertise and
         companies to offer superior manage-  81 Canadian partners on the platform.   solutions to create a safer world. The
         ment, technical, and cost-effective   Daniel Gelston, CAE Defense & Secu-  company digitalizes the physical world,
         training solutions for the P-8A Posei-  rity president, highlighted that mis-  deploying simulation training and
         don program.                       sion success depended on advanced   critical operations support solutions.
          Overall, the teaming agreements   preparation and rapid response. He   CAE empowers pilots, airlines, defense
         between Boeing and CAE aim to      added that the company leveraged col-  and security forces, and healthcare
         enhance the capabilities of defense   laboration to create an agile network   practitioners to perform at their best
         forces worldwide by delivering critical   of proven training, simulation, and   every day and when the stakes are the
         training, simulation, and in-service   in-service support solutions to deliver   highest. The company has more than
         support solutions. The collaboration   critical readiness for defense forces   13,000 employees in over 200 sites
         leverages the expertise and comple-  worldwide.                       and training locations in more than 40
         mentary capabilities of both compa-  “These agreements aim to advance   countries and represents 75 years of
         nies to advance mission readiness for   mission readiness for defense custom-  industry firsts

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