Page 7 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 7


                                                                                Applying Optimal Strategy
                                                                                 Each and every airline and MRO unit
                                                                                need to identify what according to them
                                                                                is optimising inventory planning. These
                                                                                assume huge significance as they have
                                                                                direct implications of proper investment
                                                                                and financial planning. Parts availabil-
                                                                                ity, fleet size, configuration changes,
                                                                                routes utilisation, network planning, and
                                                                                service levels expected are all determin-
                                                                                ing factors that will help achieve optimal
        Image Courtesy :                                         Some Good Practices
                                                                                inventory planning.

                                                                                 Leading companies are known to
                                                                                develop ‘plan for every part’. Parts are
                                                                                segmented by value and demand volatil-
                                                                                ity. High value and easy to forecast parts
                                                                                can be clubbed with  consumption-driv-
          when a part which is a ‘must -have’ may                               en replenishments. High value and high
          not be available and this comes at a   ing rotable, and types of inventories that   volatility items (difficult to forecast) like
          huge cost. Safety is involved and so has   are repairable, consumable and expend-  major housings and casings, work  well
          delay and stalling of operations, AOG   able. Parts are repaired and once again   within a ‘use one buy one’ strategy.
          and their collective financial downslide.   made serviceable and held as stock for   One study estimated that each $1 mil-
          And then again, some parts may not have   future availability as required to support   lion in MRO spending could create 3,500
          much of an impact if not available, as a   demand. Consumable and expendable   purchase order cycles, each requiring
          defect rectification may be deferred.   inventories are replenished to support   separate purchase orders, invoices and
           Parts have varied attributes such as   aircraft and rotable parts repairs. This   receipts.
          costs, repair TAT (Turn Around Time)   approach according to studies is suitable   Did you know that the Jumbo Jet
          scrap -rates, and similar.         for aviation MRO due to its constantly   Boeing 747, popularly known as the
                                             varying scenarios brought about by mas-  ‘Queen of the Skies’ is made up of six
          Some Approaches For Effective      sive scale of operations and related intri-  million parts!
          Inventory Planning                 cacies, as compared to a P2C (Purchase
           Companies follow the R2R model    to Consume) used for enterprises that   Effective Inventory Management With
          (Repair to Reuse) for inventory planning   can determine certainty in demand.    Automation And State-Of-The-Art
          based on maintenance demand, support-                                 Systems
                                                                                 An automated business model is built
                                                                                around automation and consignment,
                                                                                where users pay for materials purely
                                                                                when they need them, thereby  avoiding
                                                                                placing large orders in advance. Here the
                                                                                material is located at the customer’s site
                                                                                and representatives are on site to assist
                                                                                ensuring stock availability within easy
                                                                                reach – saving time and the customer’s
                                                                                own manpower resource.
                                                                                 Companies acquire surplus, aging
                                                                                material that have reached obsolescence
                                                                                from an old aircraft model, and then
                                                                                makes it available for  distribution in the
                                                                                  Concepts like enabling zero inventory
                                                                                 A business model and concept that
        Image Courtesy :Armac                                                   towards Zero Inventory, entails mov-
                                                                                allow an inventory planner to move
                                                                                ing  the inventory to the customer’s site
                                                                                location as consignment or hold back
                                                                                at the supplier location. In either of the

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