Page 5 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 5


          Artificial Intelligence                                               is very dangerous considering the razor-
                                                                                thin margins airlines are historically up
                                                                                against when running their business.
          Puts Airlines & MROs                                                  from the effects of Covid and now navi-
                                                                                 Most of the industry is still recovering
                                                                                gating through an economic downturn,
          in Control of Their                                                   and airlines either cannot risk spending
                                                                                so much capital or simply don’t have
                                                                                the capital needed to properly over-
          Inventory                                                             stock parts.

                                                                                Stay ahead of the game with AI
                                                                                 At the crux of this is artificial intel-
          By Tulika Dayal, Chief Customer Officer at SkySelect                  ligence (AI). AI ensures that routine
                                                                                parts are delivered on time and at a
          Inaccurate Information Leading to Mas-  The natural reaction to these long lead   good price point by running advanced
          sive Lead Times                    times and huge backlogs is for an airline   algorithms in the background while also
           MRO and airlines are currently ex-  to overstock parts and keep them on   providing solutions for complex situa-
          periencing massive lead times when   hand in the hangar. While this might be   tions that arise.
          it comes to procuring needed aircraft   considered a means of hedging opera-  In order to do this, the maximum num-
          parts. This means that forecasting and   tional risk, in essence, all you are doing   ber of quotes are collected automati-
          planning are now more important than   is trading one potential problem for   cally, ensuring that all business require-
          ever.                              another.                           ments are met, including lead times,
           On average, airlines face part delays   The issue with overstocking parts   part conditions, locations, shipping
          of 60-90 days. Even routine parts are   is that the strategy requires a large   costs, and any other parameters that
          experiencing significant delays leading   upfront amount of capital spend, which   must be taken into account.
          to AOG and Urgent situations.                                          This technology can help airlines and
          Some airlines have told us                                            maintenance organizations to monitor
          as much as 40% of the                                                 lead times and manage the flow of parts
          AOG team’s demand                                                     and components through the sup-
          stems from routine                                                    ply chain. By using real-time data and
          parts demand that                                                     analytics, they can identify and miti-
          couldn’t be deliv-                                                    gate potential delays and prioritize the
          ered on time.                                                         delivery of critical components.
                                                                                 And when problems do arise, this is
                                                                                when the real magic of AI happens.
                                                                                When issues pop up that could cause
                                                                                order delays, the AI is programmed to
                                                                                resource a number of resolutions. For
                                                                                example, switching an order to urgent
                                                                                to ensure timely delivery.
                                                                                 When coupling AI with appropriate
                                                                                data models, powerful forecasting
                                                                                features can be leveraged that enable
                                                                                airlines to see the trends of which parts
                                                                                are drying up in the market or have
                                                                                longer lead times and pre-stock the
                                                                                parts before the parts can impact the
                                                                                 Within these models, many data
                                                                                points are ingested to build an accurate
                                                                                forecast, including historical consump-
                                                                                tion figures and current market metrics
                                                                                such as parts availability and costs. This
                                                                                way, airlines can implement or improve
                                                                                MRO inventory planning and stay ahead
                                                                                of the curve

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