Page 6 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 6


        Image Courtesy : ethiopean airlines

         IMPORTANCE                                                            Challenges In Inventory Planning For

                                                                               The Unforseen
                                                                                Maintenance events can be planned
                                                                               and scheduled and the demand for
         OF MRO                                                                with certainty. Like a modification or
                                                                               inventory can be somewhat forecasted
                                                                               consumables required  for an A – check.
                                                                               Aviation MRO demand is mainly unpre-
         INVENTORY                                                             dictable not knowing which components
                                                                               are required when and where, on what
                                                                               aircraft. Again, components have various
                                                                               sub-sets that are repaired and re-used
                                                                               and those planning must ensure that the
         PLANNING                                                              parts are repaired and made serviceable
                                                                               for reuse and available in sufficient num-
                                                                               bers so as to meet anticipated demand.
                                                                                Some of the challenges of MRO inven-
                                                                               tory planning need to foresee and
                                                                               overcome are the myriads of inventory
            n industry analysis done in 2009   little or no use throughout the supply   required for large- scale operations with
         Abased on a study revealed that the   chain.                          several carriers operating large num-
         global MRO inventory held by the com-  Inventory planning then needs intel-  ber of airline fleet straddled across the
         mercial aviation sector was USD 47 bil-  ligent data analysis and systematic plan-  globe. The MRO support and require-
         lion, where the MRO supply chain spend   ning. Importantly, investing in cutting   ments need to be serviced by several
         totalled USD 45.7 billion.         edge technology to sift the grain from   maintenance bases that hold thousands
          That MRO supply chain spend, scaled   the chaff so to speak, is the name of the   of individual part numbers and compo-
         up to USD 60.7 billion in 2013. This   game. The resultant substantial savings   nents.
         indicated that components and material   from holding realistic levels of inven-  Demand for nearly 80% of parts is as
         roughly accounted for 50% of a com-  tory that is driven by demand planned   uncertain as it gets, where MRO plan-
         mercial airline’s direct MRO cost.   and unplanned, and maintenance work,   ners have to constantly forecast, some
          Managing surplus inventory is a chal-  is necessary for the very viability of the   from historical data perhaps – what is
         lenge for the industry, where more than   business, where operational safety is   needed where, for parts replacement.
         40% of rotable inventory investment   tied up with smart investments and effi-  This is compounded further because
         and 26 -35% of consumable invest-  cient planning. Aviation particularly  due   each part may have a different demand
         ment come under ‘active surplus.’ A  part   to its scale and complexity of  opera-  type like planned/unplanned/line and
         is said to be  active when required for   tions, poses quite a challenge.  base maintenance, as also AOG require-
         operations, but the quantity held is in   The objective is to reduce investment   ments. Parts requirements for different
         excess of the amount actually required.   and spend  in MRO inventory and at the   fleet with different configurations make
         However, quite aside of active surplus,   same time have reliable parts avail-  the inventory management process truly
         there are substantial levels of inactive   ability support that  delivers service and   mind-boggling.
         surplus that can be termed obsolete with   operational excellence.     Criticality occurs, and at times drastic,

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