Page 11 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 11


          Tecnam to deliver thirty-one training jets for

          Melbourne flight training fleet

          The order includes eight Tecnam P2010 180hp planes, three P2006Ts, and 20 P-Mentors, which will en-
          hance the quality of flight training programs at Melbourne Flight Training.

            ecnam, an Italian aircraft manufac-  exceptional flight training experiences.   training, and low emissions. Together
          Tturer, has announced that US-based   With the addition of these state-of-the-  with Melbourne Flight Academy, we are
          Melbourne Flight Training has placed an   art aircraft, we’re excited to continue   proud to innovate the flight training
          order for 20 Tecnam aircraft. The order   empowering our students to soar to   paradigm in the USA.”
          includes eight P2010 180hp planes,   new heights with confidence and skill.   Melbourne Flight Training is a lead-
          three P2006Ts, and 20 P-Mentors, which   We are elated to be joining the Tecnam   ing FAA Approved 141 flight training
          will enhance the quality of flight train-  family and look forward to our part-  school located in Melbourne, Florida.
          ing programs, reduce costs for student   nership as we commit to training new   The school provides premier flight
          customers, and provide a range of train-  professional flight students enrolled in   instruction to recreational and profes-
          ing options to meet the needs of the   our Career Aviator Pathway program.”  sional pilot students. Their mission is to
          student body.                       Based on recent data and industry   provide safe, high-quality flight training
           The Tecnam aircraft line offers a   benchmarks, Tecnam has revealed   that empowers students to achieve
          perfect progression of high and low   that flight schools operating Tecnam’s   their aviation goals. Melbourne Flight
          wing ab-initio trainers, culminating in   single- and twin-engine fleets can save   Training operates a fleet of 34 training
          the multi-engine P2006T model. The   as much as 10 tons of CO2 emissions   aircraft, including three new Tecnam
          fleet is equipped with the latest Garmin   for every single student who graduated   P2006T MKII multi-engine trainers, op-
          glass avionics, the latest certifications,   with Commercial Pilot License – a 60%   erating in a spacious training facility.
          and low emissions, making it a concrete   reduction compared to fleets using   The P2006T was delivered during
          solution for flight schools of the 21st   100LL fuel on a journey of 155 flight   the Sun ‘n’ Fun in Lakeland, and the
          century.                           hours, 30h of which on twin.       remaining aircraft will be delivered
           Derek Fallon, Founder and President,   Walter Da Costa, Chief Sales Officer,   during 2024. This acquisition is a posi-
          Melbourne Flight Training said, “Mel-  Tecnam said: “We are very excited   tive step forward in revolutionizing the
          bourne Flight Training is thrilled to an-  about this fantastic partnership with   flight training industry, providing the
          nounce our acquisition of a new Tecnam   Melbourne Flight Academy. Our fleet   best possible training for aspiring pilots
          Aircraft training fleet, marking a new   solution is unique in the market,   while minimizing the impact on the
          chapter in our commitment to providing   ensuring reliability, cost control, smart   environment

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