Page 13 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 13


          Q- Can you explain about the various   • Flying Spanner services      carefully when shipping and receiving
          types of services that Challenge Tech-  • Borescope Inspection        parts, which ensures the high quality of
          nic offers to its clients?         • Aircraft field representative support   our services.
          A- Challenge Technic is Challenge   services
          Group’s expert maintenance subsidiary,                                Q- How does Challenge Technic ensure
          servicing more than 35 of the world’s   Challenge Technic’s customer service   that they stay up-to-date with the lat-
          airlines to date. We take care of any   sets it apart from its peers. A dedicated   est industry standards and regulations
          maintenance which is carried out before   contact person is available 24/7 to   to ensure they continue to provide the
          flight to ensure that the aircraft is fit for   coordinate issues, facilitate communica-  highest quality services?
          the intended flight.               tion, and keep customers updated on   A- Challenge Technic uses a variety of
                                             the maintenance status of their aircraft.  platforms to stay active in networking
          This includes the following:                                          with other companies, vendors, and
          • Weekly Check, Daily Check, ETOPS,   Q- Please brief our readers about some   industry regulators to keep up with
          and Transit Checks.                of the innovative technologies or tech-  industry developments and ensure
          • Defect rectification.            niques that Challenge Technic is using   standards are met. New technologies
          • Trouble shooting and repairs of worn,   to improve its maintenance services?  and methods are also actively monitored
          defective, or damaged parts or compo-  A- At Challenge Technic, we continu-  to optimize service levels. Additionally,
          nents.                             ally train our technicians in order to   our quality department actively keeps
          • A-Checks                         improve our services and to always be   abreast of all regulatory developments
          • Various work packages.           at the forefront of technological innova-  and informs the company of any changes
          • Engine change services           tion by constantly improving our list of   that affect it.
          • AOG support 24/7/365             tools. We are introducing new tech-
          • Parts storage and associated logistics   nologies in order to better control the   Q- What are some of the biggest chal-
          support                            maintenance work. We have recently   lenges facing the aviation industry
                                             adopted the AMOS system which gives   in terms of maintenance and how is
                                             us an overview of what is happening   Challenge Technic addressing these
                                             with the aircraft, including finances,   challenges
                                               parts flow, maintenance planning,   A- External factors are the most difficult
                                                   etc.                         to manage in the aviation sector, where
                                                                                fears of war and recession affect the
                                                       Q- How does Challenge    markets. Challenge Technic responds
                                                         Group ensure that its   to these fears by ensuring that our
                                                          AOG shipments are     customers receive the best services
                                                           handled with the     available in the industry. We strive to
                                                            utmost care and at-  have experienced and well-trained
                                                            tention to detail?  maintenance personnel, as well as high
                                                            A- In AOG situations,   quality tools and equipment, to mini-
                                                            the speed of obtain-  mize customer downtime.
                                                            ing the correct parts
                                                           needed to minimize   Q- How does Challenge Technic priori-
                                                           aircraft downtime is   tize safety in its maintenance services,
                                                           essential in aviation.   and what measures are taken to miti-
                                                          Challenge Technic has   gate risks?
                                                         detailed procedures that   A- As a member of the aviation industry,
                                                         our personnel follow   Challenge Technic is closely monitored
                                                                                for safety by the civil aviation authori-
                                                                                ties. Our safety policy is of the utmost
                                                                                importance to us, as it is to the Chal-
                                                                                lenge Group in general. Our safety
                                                   Erlingur Petur ULFARSSON,    department actively encourages all staff
                                                   CEO of Challenge Technic /   to report any safety-related incident, no
                                                   Accountable Manager          matter how small. The company’s se-
                                                                                curity policy is clearly defined, actively
                                                                                updated and regularly discussed with all
                                                                                employees. At the same time, Challenge
                                                                                Technic mitigates risk through a constant
                                                                                flow of safety reminders to all staff.

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