Page 12 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 12


         The                                               Challenge Technic is a subsidiary of Challenge Group,
                                                           specializing in expert maintenance services for more
                                                           than 35 airlines globally. The company offers a com-
         Importance                                        prehensive range of maintenance services that include

                                                           daily and weekly checks, defect rectification, engine
                                                           change services, and AOG support, among others.
         of Safety and                                     Moreover, Challenge Technic’s innovative approach to

                                                           using new technologies has allowed it to stay at the
                                                           forefront of its industry while providing exceptional
         Customer                                          customer service.
                                                           One of the most significant challenges facing the avia-

         Service: An                                       tion industry is the management of external factors
                                                           such as war and recession that could potentially affect
                                                           market demand. However, Challenge Technic address-
         Interview                                         es these challenges by ensuring that its customers re-
                                                           ceive the best services possible, including experienced
                                                           and well-trained maintenance personnel, high-quality
         with                                              tools, and equipment to minimize customer downtime.
                                                           Furthermore, Challenge Technic prioritizes safety in its
                                                           maintenance services and has a robust safety policy in
         Challenge                                         place that actively encourages all staff to report any
                                                           safety-related incident, no matter how small. More
                                                           about the company’s challenges and future plans from
         Technic’s CEO                                     Erlingur Petur ULFARSSON, CEO of Challenge Technic
                                                           / Accountable Manager, in an exclusive conversation
                                                           with MRO Business Today. Read On.........

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