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         HAECO and Safran partners for                                          dedicated to delivering efficient, reli-

         LEAP engine RBS Installation                                           able, and high-quality engine services
                                                                                that contribute to the success of our
                                                                                business partners. We are proud to be
          HAECO is the first supplier to secure an agreement with Safran        the first partner selected for Safran
          Aircraft Engines for this advanced system installation on their       Aircraft Engine’s RBS retrofit project
                                                                                and look forward to the opportuni-
          existing LEAP engine fleet.
                                                                                ties it presents for our LEAP engine
             AECO has entered into a Strategic   Engines at its facility in Xiamen, China.   services.”
         Hlong-term partnership with Safran   This expanded partnership marks a sig-  HAECO, a leader in on-wing and near-
         Aircraft Engines to install the reverse   nificant development in their collabo-  wing engine services, operates strategi-
         bleed system (RBS) on LEAP engines.   ration, extending HAECO’s support to   cally located facilities in Hong Kong,
         This installation will be executed by   include LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B engines   London, Amsterdam, and Dallas. The
         HAECO’s specialized global engine   across its global network.         company offers advanced tooling, and
         support team, focusing on the wing and   In addition to installation, HAECO   comprehensive training, and maintains
         near-wing areas. HAECO is the first sup-  will provide storage and housekeeping   EASA- and FAA-approved shops to ad-
         plier to secure an agreement with Saf-  services for these engines.    dress diverse engine needs. Addition-
         ran Aircraft Engines for this advanced   Sandra Nieuwenhuijzen, Group Direc-  ally, HAECO provides engine storage
         system installation on their existing   tor of Components & Engine Services   in Hong Kong, London, Dallas, and
         LEAP engine fleet.                 at HAECO, said, “As a best-in-class   Greensboro, and functions as a center
          Since 2010, HAECO has been deliver-  engine services provider with strategi-  for the lease redelivery of various major
         ing engine services to Safran Aircraft   cally located shops worldwide, we are   engine models

             AT THE

             HEART OF


             We care about the aeropsace engine
             industry and don’t believe in
             ‘one size fits all’ solutions

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