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         including the U.S. Army. More than 250   tions from our customers, employees,   customer needs.
         fuselages have been delivered by TBAL,   and the nation inspire us to continually   Our primary mission is to ensure the
         with over 90% of the parts used manu-  innovate and excel. This drive fuels our   operational readiness of platforms such
         factured in India, sourced from over 100   contribution to the growth of India’s   as the C-17, P-8, Chinook, and Apache
         MSME suppliers. Last year, TBAL also   defence and aviation sectors. We are   through comprehensive, cost-effective
         shipped the first vertical fin structure   dedicated to leveraging our expertise   lifecycle solutions. Our integrated logis-
         for the Boeing 737 aircraft.       and resources to develop world-class   tics support and long-term Performance
                                            solutions that support our armed forces   Based Logistics (PBL) solutions for the
         Q - Can you tell our readers very briefly   and advance India’s vision of Aat-  P-8I, Apache, and Chinook aim to match
         about Boeing’s expansion plans in   manirbhar Bharat. Personally, this role   the high availability we currently pro-
         India?                             also allows me to continue supporting   vide to the Indian Air Force’s C-17 fleet
         A - We are excited to continue our   national security needs and our service   through our Globemaster Integrated
         journey with India, shaping the future   members in uniform.          Support Program (GISP). These PBL solu-
         of aviation together, and supporting In-                              tions, including Next Generation Prod-
         dia’s goal of becoming Aatmanirbhar in   Q - Can you tell us about Boeing De-  uct Support, are designed to enhance
         aerospace and defence. Boeing will con-  fense India’s (BDI) operations in India?   efficiency, minimize downtime, reduce
         tinue to invest in local manufacturing,   A - Boeing Defence India (BDI), estab-  lifecycle costs, and improve operational
         co-production, co-development, skill   lished in 2017, was created as part   effectiveness.
         enhancement, and innovation to foster   of the regional growth strategy, to be
         growth across the aerospace, defence,   a vital partner for the Indian armed   Q - Your advice to the students aspiring
         and commercial aviation sectors.   forces. With over eight decades of   to be future AMEs?
                                            presence in the Indian market, Boeing   A - My advice to aspiring AMEs is to
         Q - A somewhat personal question –   continues to remain committed to India,   nurture a genuine passion for aviation
         Heading one of the leading OEMs in   and is focused on developing in-country   and maintain a sharp eye for detail, as
         one of the fastest growing economics   capabilities through BDI. This effort is   these qualities are crucial for a success-
         and aviation sectors- How does it feel?   aligned with the Make in India initia-  ful career. Build a strong foundation in
         – The shouldering of massive responsi-  tive by the Government of India and   engineering principles, stay updated
         bility, the hopes of a nation etc?  leverages the significant global techni-  with the latest advancements, and con-
         A - It is both an incredible privilege and   cal expertise, and product portfolio of   tinuously enhance your skills. Focus on
         a significant responsibility. With over   the Boeing Company. Our dedication to   problem-solving, teamwork, and safety,
         80 years in the defence and aerospace   India is part of a broader strategy that   and ensure you meet all certification re-
         sector, Boeing’s deep-rooted commit-  includes establishing similar entities   quirements. By prioritizing these areas,
         ment to India distinguishes us from   in Australia, the U.K., Japan, and Saudi   you will be well-prepared for a reward-
         other foreign OEMs. The high expecta-  Arabia to best meet local market and   ing career in aircraft maintenance

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