Page 9 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
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          Cathay Pacific to replace                                             ability and aircraft safety. The issue was
                                                                                flagged by routine maintenance checks,
          engine parts on 15 A350s                                              which are designed to catch such faults
                                                                                before they result in more serious
                                                                                 Operational Impact: As of Septem-
          15 A350 aircraft have been found with the problematic engine          ber 3rd, Cathay Pacific confirmed that
          components. Out of these, three aircraft have already undergone       no additional cancellations will occur
          successful repairs.                                                   beyond those previously announced.
                                                                                However, the airline is expected to
             athay Pacific has announced the re-  A350 fleet. So far, 15 aircraft have been   cancel ten more regional return flights
          Cplacement of parts in 15 A350 aircraft   found with problematic engine compo-  on September 4th. Long-haul services
          following the engine component failure.   nents. Out of these, three aircraft have   are currently unaffected, but passengers
          The airline has reported that maintenance   already undergone successful repairs.   are advised to stay informed through
          work on its Airbus A350 fleet is progress-  The remaining 12 aircraft will remain out   Cathay Pacific’s official communication
          ing well, as the inspection of all opera-  of service until their engines are fully   channels for the latest updates.
          tional A350 aircraft is completed.   repaired and cleared for operation.   Background on the A350 and the Is-
           The issue was first detected on Sep-                                 sue: The Airbus A350 is known for its
          tember 2nd when an engine compo-   Detailed Overview:                 advanced aerodynamics and efficient
          nent failure was identified in one of   Engine Component Failure: The   engines, including the Rolls-Royce Trent
          the A350 aircraft. This prompted an   problem centers on a critical engine   XWB engines that power the aircraft.
          immediate fleet-wide inspection of all   component known as the high-pressure   These engines are designed to deliver
          operational A350s.                 turbine blade. This component is es-  high performance and fuel efficiency,
           Within 24 hours of the issue being iden-  sential for the engine’s performance   but like all complex machinery, they
          tified, Cathay Pacific’s engineering team   and efficiency. When a failure occurs, it   require regular maintenance to ensure
          completed a thorough inspection of its   can significantly impact engine reli-  optimal function

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