Page 6 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
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         Safran to acquire CRT                                             This acquisition will enhance Safran’s
                                                                           industrial efficiency in response
         to enhance engine MRO                                             to the robust growth in LEAP
                                                                           support services and contribute to a

         capabilities                                                      substantial reduction in the carbon

            afran Aircraft Engines to acquire   repairing substantial engine parts—  to a substantial reduction in the carbon
         SComponent Repair Technologies     including cases and rotating compo-  footprint.
         (CRT), a leading American firm spe-  nents—for the CFM56, LEAP, and large   Nicolas Potier, Vice President of Sup-
         cializing in repairing aircraft engine   turbofan engines.            port, Services & MRO at Safran Aircraft
         components. this acquisition sup-   CRT will be integrated into Safran   Engines, remarked, “As a long-standing
         ports Safran Aircraft Engines’ strategy   Aircraft Engines’ network, which already   partner to Safran Aircraft Engines, CRT
         to bolster MRO capabilities in the   includes five repair facilities: Châtell-  has proven its ability to develop innova-
         Americas and complements the recent   erault (France), Ceramic Coating Center   tive new repair processes. This acqui-
         announcement of a new LEAP engine   (France), Airfoils Advanced Solutions   sition not only enhances our service
         maintenance facility in Querétaro,   (France), PTI (Florida, USA), and Saf-  capabilities globally but also aligns with
         Mexico.                            ran Aircraft Engine Services Americas   our industrial strategy to establish pre-
          Jean-Paul Alary, CEO of Safran Aircraft   (Querétaro, Mexico). CRT will contribute   mier MRO facilities on every continent.”
         Engines, stated, “This planned acquisi-  to repair activities under CFM Services   The LEAP engine, a major commer-
         tion aligns with our strategy to signifi-  agreements and extend services to   cial success, has seen over 7,500 units
         cantly expand our global Maintenance,   other OEMs and third-party entities   delivered and accumulated more than
         Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) network.   within the MRO sector.          50 million flight hours, with an addi-
         We are eager to integrate CRT’s estab-  CRT’s operations align seamlessly with   tional 10,600 units on order. This next-
         lished expertise into our operations.   Safran Aircraft Engines’ strategic expan-  generation turbofan, utilized by nearly
         Our strategic plan involves substantial   sion of engine MRO capabilities in the   170 operators globally, offers a 15% to
         investments across existing facilities   Americas, underscored by the recent   20% reduction in CO2 emissions com-
         and the development of new ones. This   announcement of a new LEAP engine   pared to previous generation engines
         initiative will enhance our ability to   maintenance facility to be established   and features notable noise reduction
         support the burgeoning fleet of LEAP-  in Querétaro, Mexico. This acquisition   improvements. The proposed acquisi-
         powered aircraft.”                 will enhance Safran’s industrial effi-  tion is subject to standard regulatory
          Based in Mentor, Ohio, CRT employs   ciency in response to the robust growth   approvals and is anticipated to finalize
         over 450 personnel and focuses on   in LEAP support services and contribute   by the end of 2024

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