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         ment and Director, Department of                                      global aviation hub, Gunjan Krishnan
         Industries & Commerce, Government of                                  patted Air India on the back for quick
         Karnataka. She was rooting for the proj-                              action on the MRO facility.
         ect along with Air India, as it has marked                             “The ground breaking of this MRO is
         Bengaluru as one of the major aviation                                an important step towards strengthen-
         hubs in India. The new facility will have                             ing the fleet maintenance capabilities
         12 hangars with a capacity to induct                                  and infrastructure offering,” says Hari
         three widebody aircraft for base main-                                Marar, chief executive, BIAL. “This
         tenance at a time. The Bengaluru facility                             development will not only enhance re-
         has garnered an investment of INR 1400                                gional connectivity and drive economic
         crore in Phase I of development with                                  growth but also create valuable oppor-
         more investments and expansion plans                                  tunities for local talent and businesses,
         on the radar.                                                         reinforcing Bengaluru’s position as
          The ground-breaking ceremony of the                                  an important player in the aviation
         base maintenance facility was attended   This development             ecosystem.”
         by Gunjan Krishna, Commissioner for                                    Sisira Dash, chief technical offi-
         Industrial Development & Director,    will not only enhance           cer, Air India threw light on how Air
         Department of Industries & Commerce,   regional connectivity and      India is developing its in-house MRO
         Government of Karnataka, Hari Marar,   drive economic growth          capabilities and making great strides
         Managing Director and CEO of Banga-                                   in becoming self-reliant in terms of
         lore International Airport Limited (BIAL),   but also create valuable   its new fleet maintenance. Speaking
         Chin Yau Seng, CEO, SIA Engineering   opportunities for local         during the ground breaking ceremony
         Company, along with a senior leader-  talent and businesses,          he went on to thank the Government
         ship team of Air India leadership. The                                of Karnataka and BIAL for helping Air
         airline plans to build this state-of-art   reinforcing Bengaluru’s    India achieve this milestone in a very
         facility along with SIA Engineering   position as an important        short span of time.
         Services (SIAEC).                     player in the aviation           Upon completion the MRO will create
          Speaking during the ground break-                                    about 1200 highly skilled job in the re-
         ing ceremony, Campbell Wilson, chief   ecosystem                      gions in and around Bengaluru creating
         executive, Air India was extremely                                    a strong aerospace ecosystem in the re-
         proud and happy to launch this impor-  Hari Marar,                    gion. For this, the airline is also coming
         tant milestone. “The Bengaluru MRO    CEO & MD                        up with its Basic Maintenance Training
         facility is coming up at an opportune                                 Organisation (BMTO) in Bengaluru by
         time to help strengthen India’s avia-  BIAL                           2025. This will take care of the rising
         tion ecosystem, while enhancing our                                   demand of skilled AMEs in India’s MRO
         in-house capabilities to maintain our                                 environment and enable the airline
         fleet,” Wilson added.              ing the lead in aviation sector with Ben-  to continue with smooth and efficient
          Hailing the state of Karnataka for tak-  galuru set to emerge as an important   organisations

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