Page 4 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
P. 4


             D.K. Sunil, Chairman and MD, HAL; Giridhar Aramane, Indian Defence Secretary; Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal, VR Chaudhari; Sanjeev Kumar,
             Secretary, Defence Production; Dharmendra Kumar Singh; Saket Chaturvedi, CEO, HAL.

                                                     he Ministry of Defence (MoD) of   tem, incorporating contributions
         Indian                                    TIndia has formalized a 1.13bn   from MSMEs, as well as public and
                                                   contract with Hindustan Aeronau-
                                                                                  private sector industries. By the
                                                                                  conclusion of the delivery program,
                                                   tics Limited (HAL) for the supply of
         Defense                                   240 AL-31FP aero engines, which   HAL aims to enhance indigeniza-
                                                                                  tion content to 63%, achieving an
                                                   will be used to power Su-30MKI
                                                   aircraft. Under this agreement, HAL
                                                                                  average of over 54%. This effort is
         ministry                                  will deliver 30 engines annually,   expected to significantly increase
                                                                                  the domestic content of repair and
                                                   beginning next year, with the full
         signs 3.13bn                              supply expected to be completed   overhaul tasks for these engines.
                                                   by 2032.
                                                                                   Dr. D.K. Sunil, Chairman and Man-
                                                                                  aging Director (additional charge),
                                                    The contract was finalized in New
         engines                                   Delhi, with senior officials from   HAL, highlighted, “HAL will be in-
                                                                                  digenizing up to 1,000 parts of the
                                                   the MoD and HAL present, includ-
                                                                                  engine with local industry support,
                                                   ing Defence Secretary Shri Girid-
         contract with                             har Aramane, Secretary (Defence   to boost the development of the
                                                   Production) Shri Sanjeev Kumar,
                                                                                  engine manufacturing ecosystem
                                                                                  in India.”
                                                   and Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief
                                                                                   The Indian Air Force (IAF) currently
         HAL                                       Marshal VR Chaudhari.          operates a fleet of 259 Su-30MKIs
                                                    “The AL-31FP engines will be
                                                   produced at HAL’s Koraput Divi-
                                                                                  out of 272 contracted, which are
                                                   sion and are expected to fulfill   manufactured domestically under
         HAL will be indigenizing up to 1,000      the need of the Indian Air Force to   license from Russia. The purchase of
         parts of the engine with local industry   sustain the operational capability   12 additional jets to replace those
         support, to boost the development of      of the Su-30 fleet for the defence   lost in accidents has been approved,
                                                                                  and a long-awaited upgrade pro-
                                                   preparedness of the country,” said
         the engine manufacturing ecosystem        the Indian Ministry of Defence.  gram for the fleet is underway, with
         in India.                                  HAL will leverage the Indian   HAL set to upgrade 84 jets over the
                                                   defense manufacturing ecosys-  next 15 years
                                                                                              Image Courtesy :

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