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         AOI and Safran partners                                               engineers and technicians receiving

                                                                               specialized training directly from Saf-
         for Larzac engines’                                                   ran’s experts. This training will ensure
                                                                               that local personnel are fully equipped
                                                                               to handle the complexities of the Larzac
         maintenance                                                           engines, fostering long-term sustain-
                                                                               ability in Egypt’s aerospace mainte-
                                                                               nance sector.
                                                                                Christophe Bruneau, Vice Presi-
         The certification solidifies AOI’s position as a globally authorized   dent, Military Engines, Safran Aircraft
         and licensed provider for the Larzac engines that power the Alpha Jet   Engines. said, “We are delighted to
         training and light attack aircraft.                                   continue our cooperation with the Arab
                                                                               Organization for Industrialization as an
          n a significant boost to Egypt’s   hub for all Larzac engine maintenance   official Safran Aircraft Engines approved
         Iaerospace capabilities, the Arab   activities. Equipped with cutting-edge   MRO shop, We share a common commit-
         Organization for Industrialization (AOI)   technology and infrastructure, the   ment to excellence, and AOI’s engine
         signed a significant agreement with   facility will employ 30 highly skilled   workshop meets our strict quality stan-
         Safran aircraft engines, during the Egypt   technicians who have undergone   dards. This major step with the Egyptian
         International Airshow. This new partner-  rigorous training under Safran’s guid-  Industry is calling for further collabora-
         ship will focus on the maintenance and   ance. This new shop not only boosts   tion in aerospace and defense.”
         support of the Larzac engines used in   local job creation but also ensures   The agreement extends to a global
         Egyptian military aircraft, marking a   that Egypt can efficiently manage and   fleet of up to 280 Larzac engines. fol-
         pivotal moment in Egypt’s defense and   service its aerospace assets domesti-  lowing a series of successful audits
         aerospace industry.                cally.                             conducted by experts from Safran
          The AOI has been awarded a supplier   Mokhtar Abdel Latif, chairman, AOI,   Aircraft Engines, the Arab Organization
         certification by Safran Aircraft Engines,   highlighted the significance of the   for Industrialization has been officially
         which follows the signing of a coopera-  agreement, “This milestone adds to the   granted a 10-year approved licensee
         tion agreement in December 2023 for   record of accomplishments of the Arab   certificate. This prestigious certification
         the maintenance, repair, and overhaul   Organization for Industrialization, and   authorizes AOI to perform repair and
         of the Larzac engine. The certification   we look forward to further enhancing   overhaul operations on Larzac engines
         solidifies AOI’s position as a globally   cooperation with Safran to build a dis-  for all export customers, covering every
         authorized and licensed provider for   tinguished industrial base that benefits   version of the engine model.
         the Larzac engines that power the Alpha   our customers.”              The successful implementation of this
         Jet training and light attack aircraft.                               partnership will likely set a precedent
          The activity will be performed in   Global Aerospace Industry Impact  for future collaborations in the industry,
         a newly established engine shop in   Safran’s involvement will also facili-  further enhancing Egypt’s role on the
         Helwan, Egypt, which will serve as the   tate a knowledge transfer, with Egyptian   international stage

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