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          market with a 42.86% market share.
          The region’s demand is predicted to
          post a 3.97 percent CAGR. Being a
          strong economic powerhouse, the North
          American region will also see significant
          replacement of aging helicopters in use
          in all sectors, and this will further spurt
          growth.  Big ticket investments have
          been made towards advanced MRO
          services in Canada, however, the US
          leads in the North American market. An
          increase in adoption of civilian turbine-
          powered helicopters in this region, will                                                               Image Courtesy : PH Aviation LLC
          result in growth.

           Europe is tipped to be the second-  a market driver. The growth in the he-  APAC. Additionally, the country will enter
          largest helicopter sector. At a CAGR of   licopter MRO market is fuelled largely   the market for commercial helicopter
          4.38 percent, the region market is pro-  by the demand of these services in the   production, as also collaborate with for-
          jected to hit USD 3.22 billion by 2025.   developing countries.       eign and private manufacturers for the
          Germany being a significant contributor                               same. This will create a sizeable oppor-
          to the aerospace industry will add to   Asia-Pacific Market           tunity for the Chinese helicopter market
          the overall growth and development,   Asia-Pacific is expected to be the   and helicopter MRO. All this is further
          out here. Again, studies indicate the   third-largest region. At a CAGR of 6.88   buoyed by the rising Chinese economy.
          high investments made in R & D for the   percent. Projections foresee a business   The rapid growth of suppliers of
                 helicopter sector in Europe is   growth that will touch USD 1.59 billion   airframes and engines and the increas-
                                             by 2025. China being one of the fastest   ing number of helicopters in APAC have
                                             growing countries globally, in aviation   contributed to a robust growth in the de-
                                             supply chain, holds second place in the   mand for MRO services for helicopters.
                                             burgeoning civil aviation industry in
                                                                                Growing Technological Advancements
                                                                                to Drive MEA market
                                                                                 The Middle East and Africa accounted
                                                                                for the lowest market share, but their
                                                                                share is projected to rise due to Kenya’s
                                                                                steady development.  This will include
                                                                                creation of opportunities for Airbus
                                                                                 Helicopter MRO operations in Africa
                                                                                 and in areas of the Middle East. A twin-
                                                                                engine helicopter contract for improved
                                                                                airborne law enforcement capabilities,
                                                                                and that of civil emergency, has also
                                                                                been signed with the Kenya police.

                                                                                Impact of Aviation Safety
                                                                                 In aviation Safety is a priority and
                                                                                regulator mandates must be adhered
                                                                                to stringently. Therefore, the sectoral
                                                                                development will see growth and
                                                                                expansion happening with caution. The
                                                                                growth of helicopter MRO service pro-
                                                                                viders too will be impacted by such laid
                                                                                down guidelines that foster safety and
                                                                                efficiency in operations first. Driving
                                                                                growth are increase in offshore activi-
                                                                                ties, use by law enforcement agencies,
                                                                                search and rescue operations and
                                                                                emergency evacuations. Tourism too

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