Page 16 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
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                                                                               Under the agreement with the Admin-
                                                                               istration of the Defense Acquisition
                                                                               Program (DAPA), KAI will provide the
                                                                               Army with the Surion (KUH-1) transport
                                                                               utility helicopter by 2024.
                                                                                Sabena technics, completes the full
                                                                               acquisition of the Héli-Union Group and
                                                                               strengthens its position as a key player
       Image Courtesy : Aviation Pros                                          sector.
                                                                               in the military helicopter maintenance

                                                                               Newer Technology for Newer Helicop-
                                                                               ter MRO
                                                                                Smart digital solutions for helicopter

                                                                               services, with Internet of Things (IoT)
         has spurred growth for the helicopter   The application divisions of the in-  MRO will deliver smoother and efficient
         travel market.                     dustry are civilian and military. Owing   and advanced technologies. Adoption
          Therefore, MRO service providers will   to the growing need for commercial   of such solutions can be a game-chang-
         see their business growing northwards   helicopters, there has been a resulting   er. Helicopter MRO service providers
         in the global MRO civil helicopter ser-  growth in demand for civil helicopter   and their customers can be seamlessly
         vices sector.                      MRO services.                      connected. Leading companies like
                                                                               Honeywell International Inc., have made
         Newer Techniques and Modifications in   Key Business Contracts & Collabora-  forays into integrating IoT into their he-
         Helicopter MRO – New Growth Oppor-  tions                             licopter MRO services and are achieving
         tunities                            December 2020: Erickson Integrated,   enhanced efficiency, convenience, and
          Increased use of composites is seen in   the world’s leading utility aircraft   overall smartness.
         helicopters, in the manufacture of seats,   operator, maintainer, and manufac-  Benefitted are technicians and engi-
         engine bay frames, and fuselage. The   turer, declared final FAA approval for   neers, who find ease and effectiveness in
         advanced material’s cost effectiveness,   the S-64F and CH-54B composite main   executing their jobs of maintenance, re-
         durability and increased strength, its   rotor blades. The advanced design of   pair, and overhaul of aircraft. IoT assists
         corrosion-resistant properties, chemical   the blades, especially in hot and high   in managing spare parts, where the right
         inertness, high fatigue, ease of manu-  temperatures, provides a significant   parts can easily be found at the right
         facture, high strength-to-weight ratio,   performance advantage.      time. This then cuts out the incidence of
         design durability, and lower component   December 2020: South Korea’s   blocking capital by accumulating extra
         count will all go towards quick adoption   lone aircraft maker, Korea Aerospace   and unnecessary parts, and at the same
         and acceptability, bringing in economies   Industries Co. (KAI), received a USD 958   time, the supplies never run low.
         of scale and a product that is easy to   million helicopter contract from the   Use of smart tools have resulted in
         manufacture and rendered safer as well.   state military procurement department.   continued enhancement in service stan-
                                                                               dards and delivery. Today’s technology
                                                                               has ushered in a new era in helicopter
                                                                               MRO activities.

                                                                               Major Service Providers of Helicopter
                                                                               Ó  Airbus SAS (Netherlands)
                                                                               Ó  Heli-One (Canada)
                                                                               Ó  Honeywell International Inc. (US)
                                                                               Ó  Leonardo SpA (Italy)
                                                                               Ó  MTU Aero Engines AG (Germany)
                                                                               Ó  Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC (UK)
                                                                               Ó  Safran SA (France)
       Image Courtesy : Rotor Media                                            Ó Reference Credit:
                                                                                  StandardAero (US)
                                                                                  Textron Inc.  (US)
                                                                                  United Technologies Corporation

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