Page 33 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
P. 33


                                                        oeing is officially Offering   military and humanitarian opera-
                                                     BCH-47 Chinook for Poland to   tions. Germany’s recent acquisition
                                                     support Heavy Transport Helicop-  marks the 21st global customer
                                                     ter needs. The CH-47F Block II rep-  and the 9th NATO member to
                                                     resents the latest iteration of the   adopt the Chinook for heavy-lift
                                                     Chinook, featuring enhanced lift   operations.
          Boeing Offers                              capacity and extended operational   national Business Development for
                                                                                     Tim Flood, senior director, inter-
                                                     range. This modernized Helicopter
          CH-47 Chinook                              delivers increased operational   Europe and Americas, said, “The
                                                                                    Chinook has been a key part of the
                                                     flexibility, superior performance,
                                                     and improved survivability. It   European defense and humanitar-
          Helicopter to                              builds upon the proven founda-  ian relief missions for more than
                                                                                    five decades and would enhance
                                                     tion of the CH-47 Chinook, offering
                                                     an upgraded platform that aligns   Poland’s cooperation with allied
          Poland                                     with current military requirements   forces, and support the country’s
                                                     while providing a solid basis for
                                                                                    defense needs, In addition, the
                                                     cost-effective future enhance-  Chinook would deliver additional
          Integrating the CH-47 Chinook with         ments.                         benefits to Poland through job
                                                      Adam Hodges, Business Develop-
          the newly acquired Apache helicopters      ment for Vertical Lift Programs,   creation, economic growth and
                                                                                    greater autonomy for the Polish
          will significantly enhance the Polish      Boeing, noted, “Integrating the   defense industry.”
          Armed Forces’ operational capabilities     Chinook with the newly acquired   Boeing has celebrated over 35
          due to their complementary features.       Apache helicopters will signifi-  years of presence in Poland, with
                                                     cantly enhance the Polish Armed   its facilities in Warsaw, Gdańsk,
                                                     Forces’ operational capabilities   and Rzeszów playing a crucial role
                                                     due to their complementary fea-  in advancing its mission. The Polish
                                                     tures. This combination will enable   sites are integral to Boeing’s global
                                                     a broader range of mission profiles   efforts in developing, manufac-
                                                     and improve overall effectiveness.”  turing, and servicing commercial
                                                      With over 950 units deployed   airplanes, defense products, and
                                                     across 20 countries, the Chinook   space systems for diverse custom-
                                                     has a proven track record in   ers worldwide.

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