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          Aerogility names                                            Lufthansa Technik

          Andy Graham as Chief                                        names Grazia

          Commercial Officer                                          Vittadini as

          Andy Graham with over 32 years of industry                  Chairwoman of
          experience, has a proven track record of driving
          commercial success and scaling operations within            supervisory board
          leading aviation technology.

             erogility has announced the strategic appointment of Andy   Grazia Vittadini had an extensive
          AGraham as Chief Commercial Officer to its Executive Leadership   career in aviation technology, including
          team. In this role, Graham will spearhead efforts to broaden Aero-  previous roles as CTO at Airbus Group
          gility’s international presence and enhance its brand recognition.   and Rolls-Royce.
          His responsibilities will include collaborating with clients to refine
          Aerogility’s product offerings and value propositions, to meet the   he Lufthansa Technik announced the appoint-
          company’s ambitious growth targets set for 2025 and beyond.  Tment of Grazia Vittadini as Chairwoman of the
           Graham, who brings over 32 years of industry experience, has   Supervisory Board. Vittadini has been serving as Chief
          a proven track record of driving commercial success and scaling   Technology Officer (CTO) of Lufthansa Group, oversee-
          operations within leading aviation technology firms such as Mxi/  ing the Group’s Fleet and Technology, IT & Innovation,
          IFS, flydocs, and QOCO Systems. His appointment is expected to   and Sustainability divisions, Since July 1, 2024.
          provide significant leverage in achieving Aerogility’s strategic   Vittadini has succeeded Dr. Detlef Kayser, whose
          goals.                                                     term has concluded.  Her appointment to Lufthansa
           Andy Graham, Chief Commercial Officer, Aerogility, said, “I have   Technik follows an extensive career in aviation
          been following Aerogility’s success for several years now, and I   technology, including previous roles as CTO at Airbus
          have always been impressed with the innovation and quality of   Group and Rolls-Royce.
          the company’s products. Many of the world’s leading Airlines and   In a statement, Grazia Vittadini expressed her grati-
          Defence companies work with Aerogility – and together with the   tude and anticipation for her new role, stating, “This
          high calibre Aerogility team – made it an easy decision to join the   position is a privilege for me, and I appreciate the
          company. AI is talked about by many players in the industry, and   confidence placed in me. We have ambitious objec-
          it is refreshing to see it being implemented for customers and   tives for Lufthansa Technik, and I am eager to col-
          delivering immense value.”                                 laborate with the Executive Board and our extensive
           Graham’s appointment is timely given the current challenges   workforce to advance the ‘Ambition 2030’ growth
          within the aviation sector. Aerogility remains committed to   strategy and sustain the company’s success.”
          leveraging its data-driven insights to address these challenges,   Vittadini’s career in aerospace engineering began
          enhance asset availability, and optimize operational performance.  in 1998 with Marves in Milan, where she served as
           Gary Vickers, CEO of Aerogility, says, “Andy’s extensive experi-  Head of the Technical Department. She subsequently
          ence and leadership in the aerospace sector is a tremendous   held positions at Fairchild Dornier as a stress and
          benefit to us. His deep understanding of the issues and chal-  design engineer and at AEREA Aircraft Equipment
          lenges facing our customers and his ability to translate this into   focusing on the Eurofighter Role Equipment Program.
          strategic opportunities aligns perfectly with our vision for the   Her tenure at Airbus Group spanned nearly two
          future growth and success of Aerogility.”                  decades, from 2002 to 2021, during   which
           Aerogility specializes in AI-driven digital twin solutions for the   she progressed from design engi-  neer
          aviation industry, offering advanced simulation technologies to   to senior executive roles, cul-
          enhance asset availability and operational performance. Their so-  minating in her appointment
          lutions integrate real-time data                           as Executive Vice President,
          with AI and machine learn-                                 Head of Engineering, and a
          ing to provide predictive                                  Member of the Executive
          analytics and actionable                                   Committee of Airbus De-
          insights. Serving major                                    fense and Space in 2017.
          airlines and defence                                       In 2018, she advanced
          organizations globally,                                    to Chief Technology
          Aerogility aims to drive                                   Officer and a Member
          efficiency and innova-                                     of the Airbus Execu-
          tion in aviation.                                          tive Committee.

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