Page 35 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
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          SITA names Shawn Gregor and Selim                                 SR Technics

          Bouri as regional Presidents                                      appoints Florent
                                                                            Leforestier as
          The new appointments will be crucial for the SITA’s expansion
          across the Americas and African regions.                          Senior VP of

            ITA, the leading provider of   David Lavorel, CEO of SITA, stated,   Procurement
          Stechnology solutions for the air   “This leadership change is piv-
          transport sector, has announced the   otal as SITA broadens its reach and   With 20 years of aerospace industry
          appointment of Shawn Gregor as   capabilities. The Middle East and   experience, Leforestier has been
          President of the Americas and Selim   Africa are crucial to our expansion   involved in product development,
          Bouri as President of the Middle   strategy. We are excited to have   and leading the industrialization of
          East and Africa. The new appoint-  Selim on board and anticipate his   the GTF and LEAP engine programs.
          ment will be crucial for the SITA’s   role will significantly contribute to
          expansion across these regions.   our future growth.”                R Technics, a global leader in Main-
          Both executives bring extensive   Selim Bouri, a distinguished leader   Stenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO)
          experience in the travel, transport,   in aviation, secure communications,   services, has appointed Florent Leforestier
          telecommunications, and informa-  and technology, has been appointed   as Senior Vice President of Procurement,
          tion technology industries.    as President for the Middle East and   effective September 1, 2024. Leforestier,
           Shawn Gregor, President of Ameri-  Africa. His career includes leading   previously Vice President of New Engines,
          cas, SITA, expressed his enthusiasm   the Critical Comms and Security di-  succeeds Fritz Beiner, who is departing the
          for the role, stating, “I am excited to   vision at Airbus for the Middle East,   company to explore new opportunities.
          join SITA, known for its innovative   Africa, and APAC regions, and man-  Florent Leforestier, Senior VP of Procure-
          approach and collaborative culture   aging business development for top   ment, SR Technics, expressed his enthusiasm
          within the air transport sector. My   telecommunications firms. Selim   for his new role, stating, “I am excited to take
          expertise and interests align with   Bouri, President of the Middle East   on this role and eager to build on our cur-
          SITA’s vision to re-invent travel and   and Africa, SITA, remarked, “Joining   rent successes, advancing our procurement
          transport. I look forward to expand-  SITA’s leadership team is an exciting   strategies and leveraging our supply chain to
          ing our technological and industry   opportunity to address the unique   maximize operational efficiency and value.”
          connections to deliver enhanced   challenges and growth prospects   Leforestier brings over 20 years of aero-
          solutions across the Americas.”  in the Middle East and Africa. The   space industry experience to his new role,
           Shawn Gregor has a notable track   demand for technological innova-  with more than a decade dedicated to SR
          record in digital transformation   tion is at an all-time high in these   Technics. His previous roles have encom-
          within the aviation industry, focus-  regions. SITA’s advanced solutions   passed comprehensive management of
          ing on the Americas. His previous   will be key in helping airports, air-  customer services, product development,
          roles included Vice President and   lines, and governments stay ahead   and leading the industrialization of the GTF
          Industry Leader for Travel and Trans-  and drive digital transformation   and LEAP engine programs.
          portation at IBM, where he directed   in areas poised for technological   Owen McClave, CEO of SR Technics, com-
          several high-impact digital transfor-  advancement.”              mented, “Our talent management program
          mation initiatives.              SITA maintains a dominant market   and our commitment to employee devel-
           At SITA, Shawn will oversee opera-  position in air transport-related   opment have enabled us to promote from
          tions and drive strategic initiatives   passenger and baggage processing   within, ensuring that our leadership team is
          across the Americas, with a focus on   solutions. In the Middle East and   well-equipped to drive our strategic goals
          enhancing customer value and lever-  Africa, SITA’s team of 491 profes-  forward.”
          aging technological advancements   sionals supports 115 airports and   In a related move, Michael Brunnschweiler,
          to improve the travel experience.  103 airlines with its solutions.  format Vice President of Programs, has tran-
                                                                            sitioned to the role of Vice President of New
                                                                            Engines as of September 1, 2024. Brunnsch-
                                                                            weiler, who joined SR Technics in April
                                                                            2024, previously accumulated 19 years
                                                                            of experience at Pratt & Whitney, most
                                                                            recently serving as Regional Manager for
         Selim Bouri                                     Shawn Gregor       GTF Europe & America. In his new position,
                                                                            Brunnschweiler will oversee the continued
                                                                            implementation and optimization of the GTF
                                                                            and LEAP engine platforms.

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