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         Electra appoints B. Marc Allen as

         Chief Executive Officer

         In his previous role, B. Marc Allen led Boeing’s $5 billion customer finance division and spent nearly a
         decade on Boeing’s Executive Council.

                                                                               closer to where we live, work and play
                                                                               – without airports, emissions, or noise.
                                                                               Leading Electra at this pivotal moment
                                                                               is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
                                                                                Electra is a company specializing in
                                                                               the development of hybrid-electric
                                                                               aircraft. They focus on reducing emis-
                                                                               sions and fuel use by combining electric
                                                                               propulsion with traditional aviation
                                                                               technology. The aircraft will have short
                                                                               takeoff and landing (STOL) capabilities,
                                                                               making it suitable for regional airports.
                                                                               Electra aims to improve regional con-
                                                                               nectivity and sustainability in aviation.

            lectra has appointed B. Marc Allen   John S. Langford, Founder and Chair-
         Eas the new Chief Executive Officer.   man, Electra, said, “Marc’s exceptional
         Allen joins Electra following a notable   background in global business and
         career at The Boeing Company, where   strategic leadership makes him the
         he held multiple senior roles, including   ideal choice to guide Electra into its
         Chief Strategy Officer and Senior Vice   next phase of growth, With over 2,000
         President for Strategy and Corporate   orders for our 9-seat hybrid electric
         Development. In his previous role, he   aircraft from customers worldwide, we
         led Boeing’s $5 billion customer finance   are poised to become a global indus-
         division and spent nearly a decade on   trial champion. Electra already has the
         Boeing’s Executive Council. His roles at   strongest technical team in the business
         Boeing included President of Boeing In-  – and now we have the finance, legal,
         ternational, overseeing enterprise-wide   and operations experience to match.”
         functions, and leading the restructuring    Langford, who has served as both
         and acquisition of Wisk Aero, focusing   Chairman and CEO since the company’s
         on autonomous flight technologies.   inception, will continue in his role as
          Allen’s experience also encompasses   Chairman, concentrating on long-term
         positions as President of the Embraer   strategy and innovation.
         Partnership, President of Boeing China,   B. Marc Allen, Chief Executive Officer,
         and General Counsel of Boeing Inter-  Electra, said, “I am excited to join Elec-
         national. He holds an undergraduate   tra’s first-rate team and help define the
         degree from Princeton University and a   next level of air travel connectivity, My
         JD from Yale Law School. His early ca-  passion has always been about building,
         reer includes clerking for U.S. Supreme   coaching, and inspiring high-performing
         Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, co-  teams. Electra is at the forefront of
         founding a sports medicine startup, and   revolutionizing air travel with its direct
         consulting with The Parthenon Group.  aviation model, bringing air travel

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