Page 30 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
P. 30


         Lockheed Martin and                                                   LSystems Limited have come together
                                                                                 ockheed Martin and Tata Advanced
                                                                               to establish Maintenance, Repair and
         TASL to establish                                                     Overhaul (MRO) facility in India to sup-
                                                                               port the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) existing
                                                                               fleet of 12 C-130Js as well as other
         C-130J MRO facility                                                   global Super Hercules fleets. This facil-
                                                                               ity is another major milestone achieved
                                                                               in the Defence MRO sector in India with
         in India                                                              the Tata Group leading the way for es-
                                                                               tablishing a sound and self-reliant MRO
                                                                               ecosystem in the country.
                                                                                The agreement further stresses on
         Lockheed Martin will establish additional production and              expanding C-130J manufacturing and
         assembly capacity in India if awarded the MTA contract.               assembly in India to produce aircraft
                                                                               for the IAF’s Medium Transport Aircraft
                                                                               (MTA) program. However, this manufac-
                                                                               turing facility will be subject to US and
                                                                               Indian government’s approvals. Also,

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