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         Loganair and Heart Aerospace to advance

         Hybrid-Electric aviation

                                                                               bitious goal to achieve net zero emissions
         This partnership focuses on deploying the ES-30 across                across its operations by 2040.”
         Loganair’s extensive network, which spans the Scottish                Strategic Collaboration and Industry
         Highlands and broader UK regions.                                     Impact of the deal
                                                                                The partnership will see Heart Aero-
                                                                               space and Loganair collaborating on
                                                                               identifying practical applications for
                                                                               the ES-30 within Loganair’s network.
                                                                               This initiative will also involve engaging
                                                                               with Scottish and UK government bod-
                                                                               ies, as well as airports, to showcase the
                                                                               benefits of hybrid-electric propulsion.
                                                                               Furthermore, Loganair will join Heart
                                                                               Aerospace’s Industry Advisory Board,
                                                                               which comprises global stakeholders
                                                                               dedicated to advancing the electrifica-
                                                                               tion of air travel.
                                                                                Luke Farajallah, CEO, Loganair, highlight-
                                                                               ed the significance of the collaboration,
                                                                               “This is a transformative moment for both
            oganair and Heart Aerospace have   ing the integration of various power   Loganair and the future of sustainable
         Lannounced a critical partnership   sources to maximize efficiency. Beyond   regional flying in the UK. Our partnership
         to introduce hybrid-electric aircraft to   the technical challenges of batteries   with Heart Aerospace aligns with our
         the UK’s domestic flight network. This   and propulsion, there are regulatory   commitment to reducing aviation emis-
         exclusive collaboration targets the   and infrastructure hurdles.     sions and marks a major step towards a
         decarbonization of regional aviation,   several companies are working toward   greener future for UK regional aviation.”
         aligning with Loganair’s ambitious envi-  the hybrid-electric aircraft develop-
         ronmental goals and Heart Aerospace’s   ment. Boeing is developing a hybrid-  Technical Specifications and Market
         vision for sustainable air travel, says the   electric propulsion system, modifying a   Potential
         official from both entities.       test aircraft and supporting GE Avia-  The ES-30 is designed with flex-
          Loganair, the UK’s largest regional   tion’s megawatt-class system. Sikorsky   ibility in mind, offering a fully electric
         airline by passenger numbers and fleet   is working on a hybrid-electric VTOL   zero-emissions range of 200 kilome-
         size, will work closely with Swedish   demonstrator, the Sikorsky Autonomy   ters, an extended hybrid range of 400
         innovator Heart Aerospace to integrate   Research Aircraft (SARA), based on   kilometers with 30 passengers, and the
         the ES-30 hybrid-electric aircraft into   the S-76B. ZeroAvia recently tested   capability to fly up to 800 kilometers
         its operations. The partnership focuses   a hydrogen-electric powertrain in a   with 25 passengers, all while including
         on deploying the ES-30 across Loga-  Dornier 228, replacing one turboprop   typical airline reserves.
         nair’s extensive network, which spans   with a prototype system.       Heart Aerospace has already secured
         the Scottish Highlands and broader   At the heart of this collaboration is   250 firm orders for the ES-30, with
         UK regions, offering a new model for   the ES-30, an advanced hybrid-electric   additional options and purchase rights
         greener aviation.                  aircraft designed by Heart Aerospace to   for another 120 aircraft, and has let-
                                            carry up to 30 passengers. This aircraft   ters of intent for a further 191 planes.
         Hybrid-Electric Aviation: Looking into   is anticipated to be crucial in reducing   This robust order book underscores
         the Future                         carbon emissions and providing a more   the growing demand and confidence
          In a hybrid configuration, an aircraft   cost-effective, sustainable alternative   in hybrid-electric technology for the
         utilizes multiple energy sources during   to traditional regional flights.  future of aviation.
         flight, either simultaneously or sequen-  Simon Newitt, President & CCO of Heart   As Loganair and Heart Aerospace chart
         tially. Combining jet fuel or sustainable   Aerospace, expressed enthusiasm about   a new course for regional air travel, this
         aviation fuels with electricity optimizes   the partnership, “This collaboration is an   partnership not only promises to reduce
         overall energy efficiency and reduces   important step in our mission to make   the carbon footprint of aviation but also
         fuel consumption.                  air travel more sustainable and we look   sets a precedent for the integration of
          Designing and optimizing hybrid   forward to bringing clean and convenient   innovative propulsion technologies in
         propulsion systems is complex, involv-  solutions to Loganair in support of its am-  the industry.

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