Page 23 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
P. 23


          Avation PLC selles two ATR                                     Aleasing entity, has announced the divesti-
                                                                            vation PLC, a commercial passenger aircraft

          aircraft for $10m to DAT                                       ture of two ATR 72-600 aircraft to Danish Air
                                                                         Transport (“DAT”). These aircraft were acquired
                                                                         by Avation PLC  in 2018 and previously leased
          The Avation PLC’s strategy is to own a balanced portfolio of   to DAT under agreements that included pur-
          regional and modern commercial narrowbody aircraft.            chase options. DAT has exercised these options,
                                                                         resulting in the finalization of the sales.
                                                                          The transaction was executed at book value,
                                                                         resulting in net cash proceeds of approximately
                                                                         $10 million, after the repayment of associated
                                                                         bank loans.
                                                                          Executive Chairman, Jeff Chatfield,Avation PLC
                                                                         said, “We are pleased to have successfully con-
                                                                         cluded these aircraft sales to our longstanding
                                                                         customer DAT. The Company’s strategy is to own
                                                                         a balanced portfolio of regional and modern
                                                                         commercial narrowbody aircraft, exiting these
                                                                         two ATR aircraft is aligned with that strategy.”
                                                                          This sale aligns with Avation PLC’s strategic
                                                                         objective to maintain a balanced portfolio of
                                                                         regional and modern commercial narrowbody
                                                                         aircraft, as part of its broader asset management

                                       25 - 27 MARCH 2025
                                       The 8th Edition
                                       Marina Bay Sands, Halls B & C


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