Page 24 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
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         LCI delivers new AW139s for                                           operations within the remote island
         EMS in Queensland                                                     Aviation & Critical Services for Bab-
                                                                                Duncan Milne, Managing Director
                                                                               cock Australasia, said, “LCI has helped
         LCI delivers advanced AW139 helicopters to Babcock for enhanced       us to deliver EMS and mission critical
         EMS and SAR services, featuring striking Kuyupaw Yabu liveries.       solutions of exceptional quality across
                                                                               the globe for many years. These lat-
           CI, a leading aviation company, has   will improve the speed, range and capa-  est helicopters are a significant step
         Ldelivered two new Leonardo AW139   bility of its operations in Queensland.   forward for both LCI and Babcock in our
         helicopters to Babcock Australasia for   The striking Kuyupaw Yabu liveries will   support of highly effective emergency
         emergency medical services (EMS) op-  boost the visibility of emergency opera-  services in the harder to reach parts of
         erations in the Torres Strait and North-  tions across remote communities in the   Australia.”
         ern Peninsula of Queensland, Australia.   Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula,   LCI, a longstanding leasing partner of
         The helicopters arrived in Australia in   and we are proud to have co-sponsored   the Babcock group, now provides 18
         late August to undergo modifications   the artwork alongside Babcock and   helicopters for various operational roles
         for their EMS role. These aircraft have   Leonardo.”                  worldwide. Each aircraft supports mis-
         been placed in LCI’s joint venture with   The new aircraft provide enhanced   sion-critical operations and aligns with
         SMFL, known as SMFL LCI Helicopters   flexibility, high performance, and reli-  the UN Sustainable Development Goals
         Limited. Based at Horn Island, the heli-  ability, offering greater capabilities   (SDGs), including Good Health and Well-
         copters will support Babcock’s opera-  than the previous generation they are   Being (SDG 3), Industry, Innovation, and
         tions for the Queensland Government,   replacing. These helicopters travel   Infrastructure (SDG 9), and Sustainable
         providing 24/7 EMS and search and   further and faster, delivering improved   Cities and Communities (SDG 11). Nota-
         rescue (SAR) services throughout the   patient care to communities in the   bly, over half of LCI’s fleet is deployed
         Torres Strait.                     Torres Strait and Northern Cape York   for emergency medical services (EMS).
          Nigel Leishman, Chief Commercial   Peninsula. Additionally, the AW139s   Additionally, LCI is a signatory of
         Officer of LCI, said, “We are delighted to   are equipped with a power-loading   Aircraft Leasing Ireland’s (ALI) Sustain-
         be providing two new AW139 helicop-  stretcher system, a winch, and an   ability Charter. The company is commit-
         ters, equipped with latest equipment   Electro-Optic/Infra-Red Camera, which   ted to achieving ESG-related goals and
         for EMS and other mission critical ser-  enhances their effectiveness in search   has outlined 10 priority sustainability
         vices, to our longstanding partner Bab-  and rescue (SAR), emergency medical   principles, including a pledge to reach
         cock. These state-of-the-art helicopters   services (EMS), and other lifesaving   net zero by 2050

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