Page 29 - mro-business-today-15-09-2024
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         Safran acquires Preligens for                                          MagniX unveils

         €220m: enhancing AI capabilities                                       hybrid-electric

         Preligens will be renamed Safran.AI and integrated into
         Safran Electronics & Defense.                                          Aircraft for

                                                                                MagniX and NASA collaborate to
                                                                                repurpose a De Havilland Dash
                                                                                7 for hybrid electric propulsion
                                                                                research, advancing sustainable

                                                                                   hybrid-electric research aircraft
                                                                                A  from electric motor manufacturer
                                                                                magniX unveiled a new design inside a
                                                                                hangar in Seattle. This design symboliz-
                                                                                es the aircraft’s ongoing journey toward
            afran is set to ‘open up new areas of AI application in aviation, defence and   supporting NASA’s efforts in achieving
          Sspace’ says Franck Saudo, CEO of safran on the safran acquisition of Preli-  sustainable aviation. At a special unveil-
          gens, a leading entity in artificial intelligence (AI) for aerospace and defense.   ing ceremony hosted by magniX on
          The deal came up after the exclusive negotiation initiated in June 2024.  August 22, company and NASA leaders
           The Preligens acquisition was concluded with an enterprise valuation of   presented the aircraft publicly. Dis-
          €220 million. Post-acquisition, Preligens will be renamed Safran.AI and inte-  played for the first time at King County
          grated into Safran Electronics & Defense.                             International Airport, also known as
           Established in 2016, Preligens specializes in advanced AI analytics tailored for   Boeing Field, it featured a new livery.
          high-resolution imagery, full-motion video, and acoustic signal processing. The   Robert A. Pearce, associate adminis-
          company is renowned for its sophisticated algorithms and software, designed to   trator for NASA’s Aeronautics Research
          analyze and autonomously detect and identify objects of military interest using   Mission Directorate, said, “We are a
          both commercial and government satellite imagery. Preligens operates a pro-  research organization that continues to
          prietary AI Factory, facilitating the development, production, and integration of   advance aviation, solve the problems
          cutting-edge AI algorithms trained on extensive datasets from diverse sources   of flight, and lead the community into
          and sensors, with comprehensive end-to-end security and traceability.  the future. Through our EPFD project,
           Jean-Yves Courtois, CEO of Preligens, said, “Joining Safran marks a new stage in   we’re taking big steps in partnership to
          Preligens’ development. We’re proud to be helping create a world-class AI center   make sure electric aviation is part of the
          of expertise for one of the flagships of French industry. The many synergies with   future of commercial flight.”
          Safran will enable us to develop new AI product lines and accelerate our interna-  The aircraft, a former cargo-carrying
          tional expansion, which is excellent news for our business and our people.”  De Havilland Dash 7, is being repur-
           The integration of Preligens into Safran Electronics & Defense underscores   posed for hybrid electric propulsion
          Safran’s strategic focus on AI technologies. This merger is poised to acceler-  research. Under NASA’s Electrified
          ate the incorporation of AI into Safran’s product and service offerings. In   Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD)
          defense and space applications, AI will enhance surveillance and identification   project, magniX will modify it as a test-
          processes, providing robust information and decision support for operational   bed for this research.
          personnel. Safran’s global footprint will also bolster Preligens’ expansion,   Under the EPFD project, the company
          particularly within the US market.                                    aims to demonstrate fuel savings and
           Franck Saudo, CEO of Safran Electronics & Defense, said, “We’re delighted   performance improvements using hybrid
          to welcome Preligens to the Group. We recognize how far their teams have   electric systems. These systems are
          already come, and we’re proud to now be working with them to help further   designed for regional aircraft with up to
          develop their AI solutions. By combining our strengths, we’re determined not   50 passengers, contributing to reduced
          only to support the development of Preligens’ AI solutions, but also to jointly   aviation emissions. Additionally, this
          open up entirely new areas of AI application in aviation, defense and space.”  livery symbolizes the collaborative effort
           Furthermore, this acquisition will expedite Safran’s digital transformation,   to prove the feasibility of hybrid electric
          leveraging Preligens’ AI solutions to advance Industry 4.0 initiatives. Notably,   flight for commercial aircraft. This initia-
          AI-driven image analytics will enhance quality control processes by enabling au-  tive aligns with broader goals to mini-
          tomated detection of anomalies in critical components through digital imagery.  mize aviation’s environmental impact.

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