Page 43 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 43


                     Liebherr to provide                                        selected by Airbus to provide flight con-
                                                                                trol computers for Airbus. This program
                advanced Flight Control                                         combines highly complex electronics
                                                                                and software design. The long-lasting
                                                                                cooperation between Airbus and Lieb-
                   Computers for Airbus                                         herr shows a strong trustful collabora-
                                                                                tion for future programs”,
                                                                                 Flight Control Computers host Airbus-
           Liebherr’s Flight control computers will enhance safety, reliability,   developed flight control applications
          and pilot workload reduction. Modular, high-performance platforms     and are integral to the ongoing evolu-
           offer flexibility, complementing Airbus systems for safety diversity.  tion of Airbus’ flight control system.
                                                                                Leveraging extensive expertise in
            iebherr-Aerospace has made the    Liebherr´s flight control computers   complex electronics, hardware, and
          Lofficial announcement to supply   Provide the highest safety and bring   software solutions for flight control
          flight control computers for  Airbus’s   increased operational reliability. They   systems and landing gears, Liebherr
          commercial aircraft range. The two new   support future functionalities and aid   has developed an innovative solution
          integrated flight control computers for   in reducing pilot workload. Liebherr’s   tailored to Airbus’ specifications.
          the A320 family will be developed as   solution is a modular platform offering   Liebherr-Aerospace Transportation
          well as manufactured at Liebherr-Aero-  high computing performance and flex-  SAS, is one of 13 product segments
          space Lindenberg GmbH (Germany) and   ibility for future upgrades and addition-  of the Liebherr Group and a first-tier
          Liebherr–Electronics and Drives GmbH   al functions tailored to customer needs.   provider of on-board solutions in the
          in Lindau (Germany). Both sites col-  Liebherr’s flight control computers will   aerospace and transportation indus-
          laborate closely to design an innovative   complement Airbus-developed comput-  try. The Liebherr Group is a family-run
          solution for Airbus’ flight control sys-  ers to ensure diversity and maximize   technology company that provides
          tem, to be installed on Airbus aircraft.   safety.                    high-quality, user-oriented products
          The awarded contract reflects Liebherr’s   Dr. Klaus Schneider, Managing Direc-  and services in a wide range of other ar-
          commitment to R&D for integrated,   tor and Chief Technology Officer at   eas. Together, they offer comprehensive
          high-performance, multicore processing   Liebherr-Aerospace Transportation SAS   electronic system expertise for flight
          control computers.                 Said, “We are very pleased to have been   control computers

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