Page 48 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 48


         West Star                          18 years. His extensive experience   West Star Aviation.” He continued,
                                                                               “The history of 77 years is truly special.
                                            and commitment to the industry are
         Aviation                           expected to drive continued innovation   Our people, who are the heart of our
                                                                               organization, will remain our top prior-
                                            at West Star Aviation.
                                             Rankin, Executive Chairman of the
                                                                               ity as we strive to deliver exceptional
         makes new                          Board of West Star Aviation said,   experiences to our valued customers.
                                            “Stephen and Allen bring a unique
                                                                               By prioritizing our team, we can truly be
         top leadership                     set of skills and experiences to their   the differentiator in providing outstand-
                                                                               ing service and achieving operational
                                            leadership roles. I’m excited to sup-
                                            port them as they build on West Star’s
         appointments                       long-standing guiding principle of tak-  ence, West Star Aviation is a leading
                                                                                With over 75 years of industry experi-
                                            ing care of customers and employees.”
                                            Rankin continued, “Stephen and Allen   independent provider of Maintenance,
         West Star Aviation appoints Jim    have a rich understanding of where the   Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) services.
                                            company is headed, and I look forward
                                                                               Employing more than 3,000 profes-
         Rankin as Executive Chairman,      to achieving new milestones with them   sionals, West Star operates full-service
         Stephen Maiden as CEO, and         as they assume these leadership roles.”  facilities in East Alton, IL; Grand Junc-
         Allen McReynolds as President       Allen McReynolds was appointed    tion, CO; Chattanooga, TN; Millville, NJ;
         and COO.                           COO of West Star Aviation in Septem-  Perryville, MO; and Statesville, NC.
                                            ber 2023, shortly before the company   McReynolds COO and President stated,
            tephen Maiden joined West Star   acquired Jet East, which significantly   “I am humbled and honored to have
         SAviation in November 2023 after   expanded its maintenance operations.   the opportunity of leading West Star
         it acquired Jet East, a Gama Aviation   In the recent leadership restructure,   across multiple business lines. The op-
         Company, where he was President and   McReynolds will take on increased   portunity represents a professional and
         CEO. Maiden’s nearly 30-year career   responsibility and oversight of all busi-  personal privilege to collaborate with
         in aviation began as an Electrical and   ness operations as President and COO.   a team of experts. I am excited about
         Environmental Specialist on F-16s in   Maiden, CEO of West Star Aviation   what the future holds for West Star,”
         the United States Air Force. He has held   stated, “I am deeply honored to have   West Star Aviation announces a new
         various roles, including Avionics Techni-  the opportunity to lead this remarkable   executive leadership structure, naming
         cian, Director of Quality and Operations,   team and express my sincere gratitude   Jim Rankin as Executive Chairman, Ste-
         and CEO in the Maintenance, Repair,   for all the hard work and dedication   phen Maiden as CEO, and Allen McReyn-
         and Overhaul (MRO) sector for the past   that has contributed to the legacy of   olds as President and COO

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