Page 46 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 46


                                                                               friendly, lower-tier equipment poses a
                                                                               risk of significant degradation or com-
                                                                               plete denial of GNSS PNT functionality.
                                                                                With over two decades of established
                                                                               expertise, IAI has delivered comprehen-
                                                                               sive GNSS Anti-Jam solutions tailored
                                                                               to rigorous specifications. Moreover,
                                                                               IAI possesses extensive experience in
                                                                               seamlessly integrating resilient naviga-
         Israel Aerospace Industries                                           tion solutions into various platforms, in-
                                                                               cluding manned and unmanned aircraft,
                                                                               surface vehicles, maritime vessels, and
         unveils  Jam-Resistant GNSS                                           guided munitions.
                                                                                Compact ADA, a variation of the ADA
         system                                                                system tailored for air tactical plat-
                                                                               forms, inherits the advanced immu-
                                                                               nity features of ADA. Developed by
                                                                               IAI, the ADA product line is designed
         Compact ADA ensures tactical platform operation by countering GNSS    to interface with various satellite
         jamming and maintaining resilient Position, Navigation, and Timing    navigation systems (GNSS), boasting
         amidst variable GNSS availability.                                    state-of-the-art technology equipped
                                                                               with multiple mitigation strategies
          srael Aerospace Industries (IAI) has   Compact ADA system ensures resilient   and specialized digital signal pro-
         Iintroduced Compact ADA, a new jam-  Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)   cessing algorithms. Its adaptability
         resistant Global Navigation Satellite   by mitigating GNSS jamming, thereby   allows seamless integration across
         System (GNSS) designed for airborne   enabling uninterrupted operation of   diverse platforms.
         tactical platforms, featuring minimized   tactical platforms amidst variable GNSS   Jacob Galifat, General Manager of the
         Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) charac-  availability. This contrasts with con-  IAI’s MALAM Division said “With the
         teristics. The system will protect avionic   ventional systems reliant on consistent   threats that GNSS faces today, these
         systems against GNSS jamming. The   GPS/GNSS signals. However, budget-  systems are a must for any platform
                                                                               using GPS, or any other Global Satellite
                                                                               Navigation Systems. Our operationally
                                                                               proven systems ensure the availability
                                                                               of GPS and GNSS- based systems, even
                                                                               in the most contested, EW-saturated
                                                                               battle space. Considering the opera-
                                                                               tional challenges, this system has con-
                                                                               siderable export potential for many air
                                                                               forces and armies who experience GNSS
                                                                               jamming in combat zones”
                                                                                Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is a
                                                                               world-leading aerospace and defense
                                                                               company innovating and delivering
                                                                               state-of-the-art technologies in space,
                                                                               air, land, naval, cyber, and homeland
                                                                               security for defense and commercial
                                                                               markets.  Combining the “Start-up Na-
                                                                               tion” spirit of innovation with decades
                                                                               of combat-proven

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