Page 42 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 42


                                                                                Jérémy Caussade, CEO, AURA AERO
                                                                               said,“This new collaboration with Air-
                                                                               bus, the world leader in civil aviation,
                                                                               is not only a true mark of confidence in
                                                                               the work of the AURA AERO teams but
                                                                               is also of course an extra guarantee of
                                                                               success for the ERA program, with which
                                                                               we will decarbonize regional aviation as
                                                                               soon as 2030.”
                                                                                A key aspect of this collaboration is
                                                                               the emphasis on safety and cybersecu-
                                                                               rity, essential components in the certi-
                                                                               fication of any modern aircraft. Airbus
                                                                               Protect brings to the table its extensive
                                                                               experience and technical know-how in
                                                                               these domains, ensuring that ERA meets
                                                                               the highest standards of operational
                                                                               security and passenger safety. Addi-
                                                                               tionally, the partnership will delve into
                                                                               sustainability issues, aligning with the
                                                                               global push towards greener aviation
                                                                                Thierry Racaud, CEO, Airbus Protect
                                                                               said, “Working with AURA AERO dem-
                                                                               onstrates the capability of the Airbus
                                                                               Protect team to help companies across
                                                                               the aviation industry to manage risks at
                                                                               every level, not only dealing with safety
                                                                               and cybersecurity challenges but also
                                                                               sustainability aspects and contribut-
                                                                               ing to the decarbonisation of regional
          (L to R ) - Jérémy Caussade, President, Aura-Aero | ERA,  Thierry Racaud, CEO of Airbus Protect.  The ERA program, which targets a
                                                                               2030 timeline for its introduction,
         Airbus partners with AURA AERO                                        represents a significant step towards re-
                                                                               ducing carbon emissions in regional air
         for ERA hybrid electric aircraft                                      transport. By integrating hybrid-electric
                                                                               propulsion, the ERA aircraft aims to
         certification                                                         offer a more sustainable alternative to
                                                                               conventional regional aircraft, aligning
                                                                               with global environmental goals.
         Airbus Protect and AURA AERO have signed a deal for the certification   This agreement is expected to not
         of AURA AERO’s ERA, leveraging the strengths and expertise in         only facilitate the certification of the
                                                                               ERA aircraft but also expand Airbus
         the areas of safety, cybersecurity, and sustainability, for the ERA   Protect’s expertise in hybrid propul-
         certification and production phases.                                  sion and all-electric systems within the
                                                                               general aviation regulatory framework
            irbus Protect and AURA AERO have   The partnership between AURA AERO   (CS-23). It is a noteworthy develop-
         Aofficially entered into a cooperation   and Airbus Protect underscores a mu-  ment in the aviation sector, promising
         agreement to support the certifica-  tual commitment to advancing hybrid-  advancements in technology, safety,
         tion of ERA, AURA AERO’s forthcoming   electric propulsion technologies and   and sustainability.
         19-seater hybrid-electric regional trans-  ensuring their seamless integration   As AURA AERO and Airbus Protect
         port aircraft. This collaboration is set   within the aviation industry. By work-  move forward with this partnership,
         to leverage the strengths and expertise   ing together, the companies aim to   the aviation industry can anticipate
         of both companies, particularly in the   streamline the certification process for   significant progress in the adoption of
         areas of safety, cybersecurity, and sus-  ERA, addressing regulatory require-  hybrid-electric propulsion systems, con-
         tainability, crucial for the ERA program’s   ments and production milestones   tributing to a more sustainable future
         certification and production phases.  efficiently.                    for regional air transport

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