Page 38 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 38


         CAAS and IATA Forge Alliance to                                       nized and interoperable. The collabora-
                                                                               tion with IATA allows CAAS to shape the
         Launch Global SAF Registry in                                         development of the SAF registry which
                                                                               will be a critical enabler for the imple-
                                                                               mentation of Singapore’s national SAF
         Singapore               SAF mandatory for outbound Singapore          target from 2026.”
                                                                                A pivotal facilitator for this endeavor
                                 flights from 2026, with a 1% adoption         is a universally acknowledged and
                                 target enforced by a corresponding levy.      interoperable Sustainable Aviation Fuel
                                                                               (SAF) accounting and reporting system.
                                                                               This system must remain agnostic to
                                                                               feedstock and pathway choices while
                                                                               adhering to globally recognized sustain-
                                                                               ability benchmarks, such as the Inter-
                                                                               national Civil Aviation Organization’s
                                                                               (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduc-
                                                                               tion Scheme for International Aviation
                                                                               (CORSIA). By integrating such a plat-
                                                                               form, CAAS can meticulously track the
                                                                               nature and volume of SAF acquisitions,
                                                                               generate corresponding SAF credits,
                                                                               and distribute these credits accordingly.
                                                                               The allocation would be contingent
                                                                               upon the levies amassed under the SAF
                                                                               target for airlines and the voluntary SAF
                                                                               procurement volumes for businesses
                                                                               and organizations.
                                                                                Willie Walsh, Director General of
                                                                               IATA said, “SAF is a critical element of
                                                                               aviation’s net zero CO2 emissions by
                                                                               2050 goal. Ramping up production
                                                                               of SAF and access to it is essential for
                                                                               airlines who stand ready to use every
            he Civil Aviation Authority of Singa-  CAAS, is instrumental in ensuring that   drop made available. By authoritatively
         Tpore (CAAS) and the International   the Registry meets the requirements of   accounting and reporting emissions
         Air Transport Association (IATA) are   civil aviation authorities.    reductions Mr Willie Walsh, Director
         joining forces to establish a Sustainable   As outlined in the Singapore Sustain-  General of IATA said, “SAF is a critical
         Aviation Fuel (SAF) Registry. This col-  able Air Hub Blueprint unveiled by   element of aviation’s net zero CO2
         laborative effort will result in a compre-  CAAS in February 2024, implementing   emissions by 2050 goal. Ramping
         hensive, global platform designed to   Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) will be   up production of SAF and access to
         meticulously monitor, document, and   mandatory for outbound flights from   it is essential for airlines who stand
         verify emissions reductions derived   Singapore starting in 2026. Initially, a   ready to use every drop made avail-
         from the utilization of SAF. The Registry   1% uplift target for SAF adoption will   able. By authoritatively accounting
         seeks to accelerate the adoption of SAF   be enforced, facilitated by introducing   and reporting emissions reductions
         by providing authoritative oversight   a SAF levy to incentivize compliance   from SAF, the Registry will help meet
         and transparent reporting of emissions   with the target. Another pivotal initia-  the critical needs of all stakeholders
         reductions resulting from SAF deploy-  tive under the Blueprint involves the   of the aviation industry, as part of the
         ment.                              centralized procurement of SAF for the   global effort to ramp-up SAF produc-
          In alignment with the worldwide   Singaporean air hub. This strategy aims   tion: governments, airlines, OEMs, fuel
         initiative to expedite Sustainable Avia-  to consolidate SAF demand, encom-  producers and corporates. In doing so,
         tion Fuel (SAF) adoption, the Registry is   passing both the mandated target and   the Registry will help scale the global
         under development by IATA in collabo-  discretionary requests from enterprises   SAF market by ensuring that airlines
         ration with airlines, governmental bod-  and entities aiming to mitigate their air   are able to purchase SAF regardless
         ies, international organizations, original   travel emissions.        of where it is produced. The industry
         equipment manufacturers (OEMs), fuel   Han Kok Juan, Director-General of   must work with national authorities
         producers and suppliers, airports, and   CAAS, said, “CAAS is happy to partner   like CAAS to ensure compliance with
         corporate travel management entities.   with IATA on the development of a SAF   the requirements of civil aviation
         Governmental involvement, notably   registry that is robust, globally recog-  authorities  ”

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