Page 33 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 33


          Deutsche Aircraft begins building                                     D328eco program. He also highlighted
                                                                                advancements in employee preparation,
          the Final Assembly Line for the                                       with initial staff arriving and training
                                                                                 Nico Neumann, Deutsche Aircraft COO,
          D328eco Aircraft                                                      stated, “We are excited about the con-
                                                                                tinued progress of the Final Assembly
          Deutsche Aircraft prioritizes digitalization for 100% paperless       Line in Leipzig. The implementation of
          production, enhancing efficiency and precision with automated         the latest industry standards is a crucial
          systems and innovative IT solutions.                                  part of our D328eco programme. We are
                                                                                also making good progress in preparing
             eutsche Aircraft has started prepa-  Final Assembly Line (FAL) has com-  the 250 employees for starting work
          Drations for establishing the Final   menced. The German OEM is now gear-  at the site. The initial employees have
          Assembly Line (FAL) at Leipzig/Halle   ing up for the subsequent phase of this   arrived and we have begun training for
          Airport, marking a pivotal advancement   ambitious endeavor. Thomas Kralinski,   the Leipzig location.”
          in the D328eco program. Nevertheless,   the State Secretary of the Saxon State   The Final Assembly Line is set to
          initial construction activities are now   Ministry for Economics, Labour, and   achieve full climate neutrality. A photo-
          underway with local partner’s col-  Transport, met with Nico Neumann,   voltaic system on the roof will gener-
          laboration, signaling progress towards   COO of Deutsche Aircraft, to review the   ate all necessary production energy in
          the production of the new 40-seater   project’s progress.             a CO2-neutral manner. Additionally,
          turboprop aircraft in Saxony.       Deutsche Aircraft COO, Nico Neu-  state-of-the-art heat pumps and energy
           In May 2023, Deutsche Aircraft marked   mann, expressed satisfaction with the   storage systems will ensure a self-sus-
          the ground-breaking ceremony in    progress of the Leipzig Final Assem-  taining electricity supply. The environ-
          Leipzig with federal and state partners.   bly Line, emphasizing the integration   mentally-conscious design features a
          Since then, foundation work for the   of industry standards critical to the   green roof and a wood-concrete hybrid

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