Page 36 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 36


         Bombardier Defense                                                    “Aero-Dienst, with its long-term exper-
                                                                               tise in ambulance service for our parent
         and ADAC Order New                                                    company ADAC SE, is very much looking
                                                                               forward to bring the Bombardier Chal-
                                                                               lenger 650 into service under our AOC.
         Challenger 650                                                        The Challenger 650 is the best aircraft
                                                                               available for our kind of ambulance
                                                                               operation as the performance fits per-
         The Challenger 650, set for 2026 delivery, will be configured as an   fectly to our flight profiles,” he added,
         air ambulance for Aero-Dienst, expanding Bombardier Defense’s         underlining the decision to opt for this
         presence in Germany and Europe.                                       type of aircraft. “Another important
                                                                               factor for Aero-Dienst is the availability
                                                                               of intensive care medical equipment
                                                                               at the highest level for transportation
                                                                               of up to four patients. Furthermore,
                                                                               the dimensions of the fuselage with
                                                                               its large diameter and standing height
                                                                               enables our med crew to provide the
                                                                               best possible care for patients during
                                                                               the flight.”
                                                                                This order highlights the key attri-
                                                                               butes of the Challenger 650 aircraft,
                                                                               including its exceptional short-field
                                                                               performance and proven reliability,
                                                                               making it an ideal choice for patient
                                                                               care. The Challenger 650 features the
                                                                               widest-in-class passenger door, cabin
                                                                               space for up to four stretchers, and of-
                                                                               fers an exceptionally smooth ride with
                                                                               over 99.9% dispatch reliability and a
                                                                               range of 4,000 nm (7,408 km). These
           Aero-Dienst, with extensive experience in ambulance services for ADAC SE, eagerly anticipates   qualities enhance passenger comfort
           introducing the Bombardier Challenger 650 under our AOC.            and underscore the aircraft’s unique
                                                                               adaptability for optimal air ambulance
            ombardier Defense announced     bers and policyholders with first-class   configuration.
         Brecently that the German automo-  services. Thanks to the Challenger 650’s   Bombardier Defense boasts dedi-
         bile association, Allgemeiner Deutscher   long range, we are able to serve our   cated in-house engineering and sup-
         Automobil-Club (ADAC SE), has placed   members worldwide with our own ADAC   port teams capable of incorporating
         an order for a Bombardier Challenger   fleet. The acquisition of this new aircraft   customer-requested modifications and
         650 aircraft through its subsidiary,   is another significant step in our strategy   providing comprehensive integration
         Aero-Dienst. The aircraft, scheduled for   to modernize our fleet and continue to   solutions with full certification capa-
         delivery in 2026, will be configured as   provide the highest level of service to   bilities across civilian, military, and
         a dedicated air ambulance for Aero-  our ADAC members and policyholders.”  hybrid operations. Renowned globally
         Dienst, ADAC’s primary aircraft operator,   Bombardier Defense has signed a   for its diverse portfolio of proven and
         and will provide medical transportation   deal with Aero-Dienst GmbH, a 100%   versatile specialized aircraft platforms,
         services to ADAC’s global customers.   subsidiary of ADAC SE, for a new Bom-  Bombardier leverages decades of expe-
         This agreement further solidifies Bom-  bardier Challenger 650 aircraft, which   rience working with numerous special
         bardier Defense’s expansion in Germa-  Aero-Dienst will convert for dedicated   mission operators and leading mission
         ny and across the European continent.    medevac use. The Challenger 650’s   systems integrators.
          Sascha Petzold, Board of Manage-  extensive range, exceptional short-field   Bombardier designs, builds, modifies,
         ment ADAC Versicherung AG, said  “The   performance, and proven reliability   and maintains high-performing aircraft
         ambulance service of ADAC Versicherung   make it ideal for precise and time-sensi-  for discerning customers, includ-
         AG, in cooperation with Aero-Dienst   tive missions, including medical evacu-  ing individuals, businesses, govern-
         in Nuremberg, has been setting global   ations. This agreement further strength-  ments, and militaries worldwide. The
         standards in the field of patient repatria-  ens Bombardier Defense’s presence in   company strives to exceed standards
         tion for over 50 years. By investing in a   Germany and across Europe.  by deeply understanding customer
         new aircraft, we are reaffirming our com-  Dr. Oliver Kosing, one of the two   needs and anticipating their unspoken
         mitment to providing our ADAC mem-  managing directors of Aero-Dienst, said   requirements

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