Page 32 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 32


         facility into the easyJet Group. The   more than 400,000 customers annu-  further solidifying its position as a lead-
         six-bay aircraft maintenance facility has   ally on its flights to and from Malta.   ing carrier in the region.
         been performing heavy maintenance   Operating from nine of its bases across   Daniel Galea, General Manager for SR
         for the easyJet fleet for several years.  Europe, easyJet ensures convenient   Technics Malta, said “We extend our
          Brendan McConnellogue, Director of   connectivity to the island nation. and   heartfelt thanks to all our stakeholders
         Engineering for easyJet, said “We have   from Malta.                  especially our employees and custom-
         a long history with this fantastic main-  Owen McClave, CEO for SR Technics,   ers for their continued support and
         tenance facility, having worked closely   commented “As part of our strategic   dedication, and as we embark on this
         with us for many years and so are really   growth in engine MRO business, the   new journey we look forward to contin-
         pleased to bring the facility along with   divestment of the aircraft base main-  ue maintaining the high standards and
         its highly skilled and experienced   tenance business plays a key role in   commitment to excellence which have
         workforce into the easyJet family. In   shaping our portfolio. With easyJet we   been the cornerstone of our success.”
         recent years, easyJet has brought much   found a perfect partner to take over   Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland,
         of its aircraft maintenance operations   our aircraft maintenance subsidiary in   the SR Technics Group is a leading MRO
         in house and so taking on the facility is   Malta.”                   (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul)
         very much aligned with this strategy.   easyJet stands as Europe’s foremost   service provider in the civil aviation in-
         We look forward to welcoming the team   airline, distinguished by its unparalleled   dustry. With a global network spanning
         in Malta to easyJet!”              route network linking Europe’s major   Europe, America, Asia, and the Middle
          Since March 2008, easyJet has es-  airports with competitively priced fares   East, SR Technics offers fully customized
         tablished significant ties with Malta   and exemplary customer service. With a   solutions for aircraft engines, airframes,
         through its consistent flight operations   vast presence on Europe’s most sought-  and components. Serving over 500 cus-
         to the island. Over the years, the airline   after routes, easyJet operates on a   tomers worldwide, SR Technics employs
         has facilitated the transportation of   greater number of popular routes than   2,200 professionals dedicated to ensur-
         over four million passengers to and   any other airline. In 2023 alone, easyJet   ing optimal operational performance
         from Malta. Presently, easyJet serves   transported over 82 million passengers,   and safety

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