Page 44 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 44


                                                                               post-processing software.
                                                                                This investment by Airframe Designs
                                                                               in a new Materials Requirement Plan-
                                                                               ning (MRP) system, a second Stratasys
                                                                               Fortus 3D printing machine, a new
                                                                               five-axis milling machine, and advanced
                                                                               resin printing technology aims to
                                                                               enhance the company’s capability and
                                                                               elevate the quality of parts and tools for
                                                                               its expanding customer base.
                                                                                The company has also become a
                                                                               member of Additive Manufacturing UK
                                                                               (AMUK) whose aim is to establish the UK
                                                                               as a world leader in the development
                                                                               and adoption of additive manufactur-
                                                                               ing. The services offered by Airframe
                                                                               Designs meet the demand from the
                                                                               aviation and defense sectors to create
                                                                               new parts or re-engineer obsolete parts
                                                                               in an agile, cost-effective, and sustain-
              Airframe Designs Expands                                         able manner.
                                                                                With polymer additive manufacturing
             Services with Advanced 3D                                         technology, combined with 3D scanning
                                                                               and 3D modeling, the company now
                      Scanning Solutions                                       offers creative solutions to complex en-
                                                                               gineering problems in the aviation and
                                                                               defense part market, including solutions
             Advanced 3D Scanning Solutions facilitates the assessment of      for airframe tooling. This technology
             corrosion, damage, reverse engineering, and inspects intricate    can also be adapted for other industries
                                                                               including space, nuclear, motorsport,
                          components for Airframe Designs.                     and rail. Leveraging polymer additive
                                                                               manufacturing technology alongside
            erospace specialist Airframe De-                                   3D scanning and modeling capabilities,
         Asigns has introduced advanced 3D                                     the company now delivers innovative
         scanning capabilities as part of its ex-                              solutions to intricate engineering chal-
         panded services to address significant                                lenges within the aviation and defense
         challenges for its clients. The company                               parts market, including airframe tooling
         provides comprehensive scanning with                                  solutions. This versatile technology can
         high speed and precision, enabling the                                be adapted for various industries, such
         capture of aircraft geometry and the                                  as space, nuclear, motorsport, and rail.
         creation of digital twin datasets. This                                Airframe Designs, an aerospace spe-
         facilitates the assessment of corrosion,                              cialist, is dedicated to providing innova-
         visible damage, reverse engineering of   the aircraft inside and out, performing   tive solutions for complex engineering
         tool surfaces, and detailed inspection of   scans on-site at the customer’s location   challenges in the aviation and defense
         small or intricate components.     based on their specific needs.”    sectors. With a focus on leveraging
          Garry Sellick, additive manufactur-  The hand-held 3D laser scanner is a   advanced technologies such as polymer
         ing manager of Airframe, said, “This   key tool utilized for reverse engineering   additive manufacturing, 3D scanning,
         capability allows us to gather highly   at Airframe Designs, facilitating meticu-  and 3D modeling, Airframe Designs
         accurate geometrical data for our cus-  lous examination of objects through   offers tailored solutions for airframe
         tomers with a comprehensive view of   advanced blue light technology and   tooling and other critical components

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