Page 9 - 15th july 2024
P. 9


          AFI KLM E&M partners with                                             decades of experience in aircraft main-
                                                                                tenance, AFI KLM E&M’s support for the
          Croatia Airlines for A220 fleet                                       A220 is extensive, supported by technical
                                                                                knowledge and a proven track record in
                                                                                managing new-generation aircraft. Con-
          AFI KLM E&M and Croatia Airlines form strategic alliance for          sequently, the collaboration will enable
          comprehensive A220 Fleet Component support and maintenance            Croatia Airlines to benefit from AFI KLM
          solutions.                                                            E&M’s state-of-the-art repair facilities.
                                                                                They will also benefit from innovative
             FI KLM Engineering & Maintenance, a                                maintenance solutions.
          Atop global MRO service provider, has                                  Marcel Kuijn, VP Sales Europe & Key
          partnered with Croatia Airlines. They aim                             Accounts at Air France Industries KLM
          to enhance aircraft maintenance capa-                                 Engineering & Maintenance, said, “We
          bilities through this new collaboration.                              are delighted to partner with Croatia Air-
          This collaboration will provide compre-                               lines in supporting their A220 feet. Our
          hensive component support for Croatia   are invaluable as we introduce the A220   complete component support services
          Airlines’s Airbus A220 fleet. Moreover,   to our fleet. This partnership ensures that   are designed to meet the specific needs
          This partnership marks a significant step   we can maintain the highest standards of   of new-generation aircraft, and we are
          in enhancing operational reliability and   safety and efficiency, delivering a supe-  committed to providing Croatia Airlines
          performance. It focuses specifically on   rior travel experience to our passengers.”  with the highest level of operational
          Croatia Airlines new generation aircraft.  AFI KLM E&M will offer a wide range of   excellence and reliability.”
           Tomislav Imprić, Technical Director of   component support services, encompass-  Croatia Airlines, the national air carrier
          Croatia Airlines, said, “AFI KLM E&M’s   ing repairs, access to a dedicated pool of   of Croatia, was established in 1989 and
          expertise and extensive support network   spares, and logistics support. Leveraging   is headquartered in Zagreb

             AT THE

             HEART OF


             We care about the aeropsace engine
             industry and don’t believe in
             ‘one size fits all’ solutions

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