Page 13 - 15th july 2024
P. 13


                                             ground. Tall order, but possible. Quite   The satellite receives and routes the   Image Courtesy : Aircraft Interiors International
                                             apart from this, giving families hours   radio transmission back to ground sta-
                                             of curated content to while away those   tions. Although communication satel-
                                             hours especially on long haul flights, has   lites often have geosynchronous orbits,
                                             become a brand differentiator, where car-  aircraft can transfer between several
                                             riers vie with each other for a larger pas-  satellites along the chosen flight path.
                                             senger/market share.   The requirement   Such a connection (with a maximum
                                             then is for cost-effective Internet should   speed of merely 3 Mbps) can be made
                                             be customised to suit demographics and   only when the aeroplane is above the
                                             choices of the passengers it serves.  ground and not over the sea.
                                              Lack of inflight connectivity amounts   With either technology, key factors
                                             to unproductive flying hours for today’s   are the available network capacity,
                                             professionals. Thus, with the inclusion of   the number of available towers and/
                                             inflight connectivity, and passenger con-  or satellites covering flight routes, and
                                             veniences and delight it brings in, would   connectivity redundancy which ensures
                                             build the airline’s reputation while facili-  continuous connectivity.
                                             tating secondary revenue generation.  The network coverage available for
                                                                                either ATG or satellite systems applica-
                                             The Engineering Behind the Scene   tion heavily influences the quality /
                                              Behind the passenger delight and   reliability of these connections.
                                             safety feature ‘inflight connectivity,’    The maximum internet speed for Ku-
                                             there lies complex set of engineering   Band (12 to 18 GHz microwave) is 50
                                             and planning marvels. The devices that   Mbps, while for Ka-Band (26.5 to 40 GHz
                                             are being connected are moving close   microwave) is 70Mbps. The actual con-
                                             to the speed of sound at an altitude of   nection speed experienced onboard is
                                             35,000 feet – this then is a paradigm   lower due Internet sharing between mul-
                                             shift in inflight connectivity.    tiple aeroplanes flying at terrific speed.
                                              Aircraft travel over vast regions at
                                             lightning speed, and this means data   The Hardware of It
                                             link to adjust quickly in real time. A
                                             signal must connect with an aircraft
                                             multiple times and adjust to shifting,
                                             orientation, speed, and direction.  For
                                             pilots and passengers, in-flight connec-
                                             tivity needs to be constant.

                                             Air–to–Ground (ATG) and Satellite Tech-
                                             nologies                            Image Courtesy : Astronics Inflight Hardware
                                              Important resources are air-to-ground
                                             (ATG) and satellite technologies. An   Edge Cabin Network Platform employs
                                             aircraft communicates with a ground   the power of a distributed comput-
                                             station. With ATG, the ground station   ing system architecture to eliminate
                                             antennas help communicate with the   weighty Servers.
                                             aircraft that pass through their airspace.    Unit acts as a  server and a router to

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