Page 18 - 15th july 2024
P. 18


                       Alaska Airlines

                     Honors Military


                            New Tributes

          Alaska Airlines has unveiled two new tributes to service members, introducing the fourth “Honoring
          Those Who Serve” aircraft and the 16th Fallen Soldier Cart. These initiatives coincide with Independence
          Day, prompting reflection on freedoms and honoring military sacrifices. Alaska Airlines remains steadfast
          in its commitment to honoring heroes and supporting military guests with every flight.

                  laska Airlines introduces   specially designed “Honoring Those   of the sacrifices made by US mili-
                  two new tributes to service   Who Serve” aircraft, featuring a new   tary personnel. Alaska Airlines aims
                  members: the fourth “Hon-  patriotic paint scheme. This design,   for guests, employees, and aviation
                  oring Those Who Serve”    almost identical to three other jets,   enthusiasts to feel a sense of pride
         Aaircraft and the 16th Fallen      includes symbolic imagery representing   and appreciation when they see this
         Soldier Cart. Independence Day serves   all six branches of the US Armed Forces:   aircraft. Its presence in the air and on
         as a reminder to reflect on freedoms   Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps,   the tarmac is intended to evoke these
         and recognize the sacrifices made   Coast Guard, and Space Force. From its   sentiments.
         by military members. Alaska Airlines   star-spangled design to the heartfelt   Alaska Airlines recently delivered its
         remains dedicated to honoring these   message on its side, this aircraft serves   16th Fallen Soldier Cart to Nashville
         heroes and their families in meaningful   as a flying tribute to the courage and   International Airport (BNA) on June
         ways. The airline takes its responsibility   dedication of current and past service   26. These dedicated carts, designed
         to care for military guests seriously and   members.                  by Alaska’s Maintenance and En-
         prioritizes their needs with every flight.  Each time this aircraft takes to the   gineering department, serve as a
          Alaska Airlines proudly unveils its   skies, it serves as a poignant reminder   solemn and respectful symbol. They

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