Page 22 - 15th july 2024
P. 22


                                                       T DECD Commissioner Cath-  itself to be one of the pioneers
                                                   Cerine Smith and Aero Gear     in innovation and success for the
                                                   founder Doug Rose have unveiled   aerospace industry.”
                                                   a 24,000 sq ft addition to Aero   Smith acknowledged Aero Gear’s
                                                   Gear’s manufacturing facility in   dedication to Connecticut over its
                                                   Windsor. Doug Rose emphasized   35+ years since its establishment in
                                                   the strategic significance of the   1982. Since 2011, she has collabo-
                                                   expansion to address the increas-  rated closely with Doug Rose to
                                                   ing global demand for new com-  elevate productivity and enhance
                                                   mercial and military aircraft.  Aero
         Aero Gear                                 Gear specializes in the production   said, “We’ve come a long way from
                                                                                  business standards in the state.
                                                                                   Doug Rose, Aero Gear founder,
                                                   and continual refinement of preci-
                                                                                  the small company we once were,
                                                   sion gearboxes crucial to aircraft
         expands                                   manufacturing. These gearboxes   Our growth would not be possible
                                                   are utilized by leading aerospace
                                                                                  without the support of so many
                                                   companies such as Avio Aero, Pratt
                                                                                  parties in the state, and most im-
         Windsor                                   & Whitney, Sikorsky, Boeing, Gen-  portantly our great employees. We
                                                                                  are motivated and ready to take
                                                   eral Electric Rolls Royce, and UTAS.
                                                     The expansion adds approximate-
                                                                                  on the new challenges that this
                                                                                  expansion will allow.”
                                                   ly 100,000 square feet to Aero
         Facility                                  Gear’s facilities, allowing accom-  facturer specializing in precision
                                                                                   Aero Gear is a prominent manu-
                                                   modation for its 175 employees.
                                                   It includes new amenities such as
                                                                                  gearboxes for jet engines. Located
                                                   a lobby, conference room, offices,   in Windsor, Connecticut, the com-
         The expansion adds approximately          and expanded manufacturing     pany has established a reputa-
         100,000 square feet to Aero Gear’s        space dedicated to multiple new   tion for excellence in aerospace
                                                                                  manufacturing. Over its more than
         facilities, allowing accommodation for      Catherine  Smith, CT DECD Com-  35 years of operation, Aero Gear
         its 175 employees.                        missioner, said, “I am so excited to   has demonstrated a strong com-
                                                   see Doug’s hard work pay off and   mitment to the state, contributing
                                                   celebrate the effort he has taken   to local economic development
                                                   up to stay in this great state, With   and collaborating with government
                                                   all the other great industry lead-  officials to enhance productivity
                                                   ers here, Connecticut has proven   and business standards

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