Page 14 - 15th july 2024
P. 14


         provide a cost-effective AID solution.
          The hardware involved in inflight
         connectivity is the modem/router – like
         boxes, and most connectivity solu-
         tions include aerodynamic antennas or
         radomes that attach to the fuselage.

         The Passenger Interface
          Passengers may find it most conve-
         nient to access content inflight and at
         affordable rates, by downloading select
         programmes while on ground.  Once
         onboard, the content/movies etc can
         be accessed on a hand-held device,
         without any internet connectivity. This                                                                 Image Courtesy : Avionics International
         is both practical and economical. To
         caution, even when streaming video
         midair is technically feasible, the cost
         can climb up due say, heavy video files.

         Passengers look forward to the follow-  Ó  Easy & optimized meal management  One must be mindful that newer
         ing:                               Ó  Offer additional services /     aeroplanes are equipped with state-of-
         Ó  Easy Wi-Fi access                 information                      the-art technology, which may not be
         Ó  High navigation speed           Ó  Online shop, online brochures   available in mature aircraft. Passengers
         Ó  High resolution streaming        For airlines, these options result in   may see this as inconsistency in service
         Ó  Protected & secured wireless net-  possible ancillary revenue earnings, get   levels.
           work                             to gather data to evaluate customer sat-  The price of internet usage comes at a
         Ó  Wide range of entertainment content  isfaction through feedback surveys and   much higher price than what is avail-
         Ó  Easy access to on-board services  similar. Airlines can capture passenger   able on ground. Passengers must be
          Availability of content on the device   preferences and tailor content accord-  aware of the rates in advance, instead
         of passengers can either be manual or   ingly. A short, digital feedback form if   of being alarmed and disappointed.
         automatic. Manual onboarding requires   filled in by most passengers, can bring   Internet laws differ from one coun-
         registering on the flight portal’s URL, to   in a host of data. This could give airlines   try to another. Also, many websites
         get on the network. Through the portal   to align their services to passenger   available in one country might not give
         passengers can engage in duty-free   needs.                           access when the plane connects to
         shopping and purchase internet data as   A secondary source of revenue is pos-  another country’s internet. Businesses
         well, if required.                 sible by making inflight content free,   personalize their website’s content
          In automated onboarding, passenger   but charge passengers for internet,   based on geolocation
         devices are configured with a subscrip-  based on data consumed.
         tion provided by the airline. A Dynamic                               Enablers of Inflight Connectivity
         Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)   Watchpoints                       VPNs facilitate access to any website
         automatically allocates IP addresses for   Distance and latency are two challenges   from anywhere. They are encrypted and
         accessing portal services. The automat-  facing non-stop and consistent inflight   secure internet connection; A Captive
         ed system allows, users switch between   connectivity. The aircraft covers vast dis-  portal or a CAPPORT displays network-
         multiple networks throughout the flight,   tances and this can weaken connections   related information and prompts users
         seamlessly.                        over certain spots. The way to circumvent   to enter credentials before accessing
          Onboard Wi-Fi enabled the Internet on   this would mean switching from one   the Internet. Important information for
         flying aeroplanes and the market is still   ground station to another, several times   an equitable distribution of bandwidth,
         expected to rise. Passengers now have   or switching between satellites.   accurate usage tracking, and invoice
         access to in-flight content like movies,   Latency, happens a lot of times on   generation is possible.
         shorts, documentaries, flight routes/  account of this switching. These drops   OpenRoaming by Wireless Broad-
         maps, flight information, or just brows-  then become service issues, which air   band Alliance (WBA) helps passengers
         ing the Internet.                  travellers are conscious of. Advanced   maintain a stable internet connection
                                            systems of are smart and efficient, and   by switching to multiple networks
         Crew & Passengers look forward to the   can erase much of these inconsistencies   throughout the journey.
         following:                         today inflight systems are extraordinari-  Next Generation Hotspot Solution
         Ó  Ergonomic & easy-to use web inter-  ly efficient and make all of this nearly   by HSC is a cloud-hosted hotspot
           face                             invisible to end users.            2.0-based network solution that brings

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