Page 7 - 15th july 2024
P. 7


          development relates to the technical
          documentation of the aircraft that we
          look after and whose data we have to
          archive securely, verifiably and unam-
           We need to assess how blockchain
          technology can be used for compliance
          and record-keeping.  This technology
          ensures secure and immutable record-
          keeping of maintenance activities, en-
          hancing transparency and traceability.
          This is crucial for regulatory compliance
          and maintaining the integrity of main-
          tenance records. These are just two ex-
          amples from a large number of possible
          innovations. RAS SAAR does not act   vent accidents, and safeguard lives. For   benefits from the diversity of the entire
          alone, but we work together in the RAS   us at RAS SAAR, maintaining rigorous   RAS group.
          Group to develop sustainable solutions.   compliance and safety protocols is es-
          This is the strength of our group.  sential to uphold our reputation, meet   Q - What are the key factors you con-
                                             regulatory requirements, and provide   sider when developing and implement-
          Q - How does RAS SAAR stay current   reliable, high-quality maintenance   ing maintenance schedules for regional
          with advancements in aviation technol-  services to our clients.  The regulatory   jet and turboprop aircraft?
          ogy and best practices in maintenance   compliance at RAS SAAR is ensured   Ans - First of all, I would like to state
          and overhaul?                      through rigorous internal and external   that RAS SAAR GmbH does not have its
          Ans - RAS SAAR GmbH stays updated   audits, continuous training, and obtain-  own CAMO and is not affiliated with
          with advancements in aviation technol-  ing necessary certifications.  the technical department of an airline.
          ogy and best practices through con-  Internal and external audits are crucial   Therefore, we do not develop mainte-
          tinuous exchange within the industry,   as they provide an objective assessment   nance schedules, we can only contrib-
          cooperation with European aviation   of compliance with aviation standards   ute to them. However, a maintenance
          training facilities, and partnerships with   and identify areas for improvement. Ex-  organization has a great responsibility
          universities. This proactive approach   ternal audits are used to ensure that we   in this contribution. Every CAMO’s
          includes participating in industry   do not lose sight of external perspec-  reliability program needs reliable data.
          conferences, engaging in collaborative   tives or become blind to our opera-  This data is recorded by us as RAS
          research projects, and leveraging the   tions. We use external experts to audit   SAAR, be it in the form of measured
          expertise of academic institutions. By   our processes as well as competent   values, execution of operational tests
          fostering these relationships, we ensure   personnel from the entire RAS Group.   or consumption of operating fluids such
          that our staff are continuously trained   The exchange of compliance person-  as engine and hydraulic oil. The drivers
          and aware of the latest technological   nel between the different facilitates   for a maintenance program are ground
          innovations and regulatory changes.  the sharing of objective views and best   times, the airline’s operating model and
           This commitment to ongoing educa-  practices, ensuring alignment within   maintenance capacity in the flight plan.
          tion and industry engagement enables   the RAS Group and fostering continuous   When supporting maintenance
          RAS SAAR to maintain high standards   improvement in regulatory adherence   schedules, RAS SAAR considers factors
          in maintenance and overhaul, ensuring   and safety management.        such as manufacturer recommenda-
          that our practices are always at the fore-  Additionally, continuous training en-  tions, aircraft usage patterns, histori-
          front of the aviation industry. We also   sures that staff are up-to-date with the   cal maintenance data, and regulatory
          employ RAS’ PART21J Design Organisa-  latest regulations and best practices,   requirements. They aim to balance
          tion (DOA) by participating in programs   maintaining high safety and quality   optimal aircraft performance with
          with a research component.         standards. Cooperation within the RAS   minimal operational disruption. There-
                                             Group further enhances compliance   fore, we recommend the adoption of
          Q - Can you discuss the importance   by sharing knowledge, resources, and   predictive maintenance technologies,
          of regulatory compliance in aircraft   expertise across different facilities, en-  such as advanced sensors and data
          maintenance and how RAS SAAR en-   suring a unified and thorough approach   analytics. These allow maintenance
          sures adherence to aviation laws and   to regulatory adherence. RAS SAAR   teams to monitor the health of aircraft
          standards?                         adheres to guidelines set by aviation   components in real-time. This helps in
          Ans - Compliance and safety man-   authorities such as EASA, CAA (UK), and   predicting failures before they occur,
          agement are critical in the aviation   FAA to maintain compliance. Here too,   reducing unplanned maintenance and
          industry as they ensure the highest   in the important area of compliance and   downtime, and optimizing the mainte-
          standards of operational integrity, pre-  safety management, RAS SAAR GmbH   nance schedule

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